Is there any way to add specific variations switches in woocommerce sites. Suppose I want to create a phone cover/case website. When user selects a design, it will ask for phone brand. Like iPhone, Redmi or OnePlus. Then there comes another drop-down menu with list of different models of selected brand. Already tried variation swatches and product variation swatches. Is there any way or plugins to do like this? TIA
I'd need to add to wordpress the "evaluate your used product" automated function. I thought about something with multistep forms but I don't know if it is the definitive choice.
i got some problem with my mini cart. I use apus thème-tumbas The dropdown from the minicart is different if i'm on main page , product page or cart page. I dont Know why .. All those pictures are taken from a computer but on different page
I am looking for the files which are responsible for sending the email in WP e-commmerce, because i need to set the x-priority header = null I already tried a general function in functions.php add_filter('phpmailer_init','update_priority_mailer'); function update_priority_mailer($mailer){ $mailer->Priority = ''; return $mailer; } but that didn't work EDIT I see line 911 $result .= $this->HeaderLine('X-Priority', $this->Priority); in wp-includes\class-phpmailer.php might be the one that i need to alter. But as i don't want to edit WP source files how can i …
I've recently been trying to create a 'Popular Products' widget for for WP e-Commerce. Since there isn't built-in functionality, I referred to Dave Mackintosh's post here and gave it a shot. Still no success. But since there's a shortcode, I decided to use the 'Shortcodes in Widgets' plugin and place the shortcode in a text widget. It works now, but the issue now is the product list appears outside the widget area, just floating in the sidebar.
The one problem that is always finds me again is that I cant find particular pages. Lets say I created a product from the admin panel. I have a link to the page, but now I need to edit the look of that page. Where I can find this page physicaly?
I have tried using the default wp next and previous link but when click it would go to another category post instead of the next post(product) previous_post('« « %', 'previous', 'yes'); next_post('% » » ', 'next', 'yes'); when i try to put yes for the same category, the previous and next title disappears previous_post('« « %', 'previous', 'yes','yes'); next_post('% » » ', 'next', 'yes','yes'); I also tried using wpsc_first_products_link wpsc_last_products_link
I want the user to be able to set a text, option values or other type of data in each product just before they add it to the cart. Just like product options. For example: The user buys a sticker and is able to set the text to be print I can't use product variations for this task before it is not about fixed values. Is there a way to add this type of functionality on wp e-Commerce plugin?
I've done created a lot of Wordpress themes and plugins, but I haven't done much with the Wordpress WooCommerce plugin from WooThemes. If someone asked me what general theme they should work with to learn about themes, I would suggest one of Wordpress' defaults, like TwentyFourteen However, for someone who is creating an online store with Worpdress / WooCommerce I would not know where to tell them to start. What themes are available as a starting point for working with …
I have an existing photo blog, which displays photos with width of 670 pixels. I'd like to sell higher resolution photos from the same page the lower resolution photo is displayed. Does anyone know of a way to do this? I'm thinking something as simple as using WP E-Commerce could do the job. I just create a catalog of high resolution images, and add a link to the product page on the blog post. Can you see that working?
I use wp-e-commerce plugin and when I write a url like "" very thing is ok and wordpress shows the correct page. In case that the event is a number like "" wordpress shows me the products page. I follow this post but my issue continues to exist.
this page was working initially, and then I made some changes which *didn’t* appear, and then it just stopped showing that page altogether. I have tried deleting my wpsc-single_product.php and replacing it with the default one provided but it still just shows 404. My category page does the same, in fact the only pages I can get to work are the ones that are actual pages (checkout, transaction results etc.) - this made me think it could be a url …
I am developing a solution which is selling a service (can not be categorized as product) I have developed custom post types and taxonomies but I do not want to re-invent the wheel by adding payment gateways just for this purpose. Is there any way I can customize the "Product" post type in any existing ecommerce plugin available. Thanks for your support
I have enabled Display Fancy Purchase Notification for WP E-commerce but it looks like that fancy pop-up window is not working. Console throws an error jQuery( 'form.product_form, .wpsc-add-to-cart-button-form' ).on( 'submit', function() { TypeError: jQuery(...).on is not a function but add to cart functionality works. Site is located here: Thanks
I am trying to output and sort products per category, like: Cat1 prod prod Cat2 prod Cat3 prod prod prod I am able to get the cat_ID per product, but how do i display <?php while (wpsc_have_products()) : wpsc_the_product(); ?> <?php $wpsc_product_category = get_the_product_category( wpsc_the_product_id() ); $curr_cat = $wpsc_product_category[0]->name; $cat_id = $wpsc_product_category[0]->cat_ID; //print_r( $wpsc_product_category); echo $cat_id; ?> Any tips, suggestions?
How I can show all my products on one page? I need drag-and-drop products from page 3 to page 1 but I can't do this over pages. Or I can use another solution for manual product sorting?
I'm using WordPress E-Commerce (get shopped) and would like to get a list of items that a user has purchased, just a list of post IDs would be perfect. Is there any way for me to get this? It must be stored somewhere.. has anyone attempted this before?
I'm using Version WP e-Commerce plugin I used a custom post type "event" with multiple value field "event_photos" and the field type is wpsc-product. To show a single "event" use single-event.php : <?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?> <?php /* Include the single view for the event. */ include TEMPLATEPATH.'/event-templates/single.php'; <?php endwhile; // end of the loop. ?> To show a list of products of a custom type "event" use "/event-templates/single.php" : <div class="entry-show-products"> <?php $event_photos_obj = …
I'm trying to get a list of wpsc_product_category terms, for a given category, and have them display in alphabetical order (by name) with links to their pages. This gives me the right list, but the sort() doesn't work. The terms aren't in alphabetical order. Any help would be greatly appreciated! <?php //display sorted list of wpsc product categories $category_id = 10; $terms = get_terms('wpsc_product_category','hide_empty=0&parent='.$category_id); sort($terms); if ($terms) { foreach($terms as $term) { ?> <div> <div class="caption transparent_class"> <a href="<?php get_term_link( …