So my url/slug structure looks like this /toolkit-category/downloads/gui-kits. Within /downloads is other child categories/terms. I am trying to fetch the other siblings of gui-kits when on /gui-kits. "toolkit_category" is the name of my taxonomy that is acting as categories, built using PODS. $queried_object = get_queried_object('term'); $tax = $queried_object->taxonomy; $term = $queried_object->term_id; $parent = $queried_object->parent; $next_items = get_term_children( $term, $tax ); The above code doesnt work, returns nothing? Any help is appreciated :)
If I have the id of an image media file, how can I get the url, to download it via rest api? I'm using the Pods Plugin to create my own objects. thes have images included i want to download via rest api. I tried wp_get_attachment_image_src( $imgid, $default ); or wp_get_original_image_path($imgid); all came back empty I got the id with $imgid = $designpod->fields( 'app_logo' )→id; i also tried $imgid = $designpod->fields( 'app_logo' )->id; $design["app_logo"] = $designpod->pods_image_url($imgid, null ); also not …
Our app has three different dates representing three key dates for a Project (one of our PODS CPTs). One of the common calculations we make is deriving an overall "Status" of the project from those three dates (based on the emptiness of one or two of those dates). We want to avoid the clunky solution of making a forth non-date field in which we repeat which status the project is right now, which would require extra work from content editors …
I've set up some custom post types with Pods, but can't seem to get it to display my manual excerpt. It's working fine for my normal posts. I've tried displaying it with echo get_the_excerpt() and the_excerpt(). I've tried doing it using get_posts() and setup_postdata(). I've also tried a standard WP_Query loop. No matter what I do, it just gives me the automatically generated excerpt. Any ideas? <?php $posts = get_posts(array( 'post_type' => 'press-release' )); foreach ($posts as $i => $post) …
I am using Pods plugin in WordPress. I am new user of this plugin. I have 3 Custom post type. Tasks, Teams and Volunteers. I can fetch Volunteers using this code get_post_meta($_POST[q], 'volunteers', false);. I would like to make relation of Volunteers with Tasks. I need to fetch how many Tasks are assigned to a Volunteer. How can I fetch this ? My database structure is like below.
I hope to be able to explain my question. My scenario is the following. I have events post type created by a plugin for exhibition in a theatre season. I want to have at the bottom of every single event a short bio of author(s), actor(s), ... who have to be all in the same set as sometime actors are also director and viceversa. I created by Pods a Custom Post Type people where I store bio, short bio, featured …
I have used a custom page using this code, these links redirect to Category detail page which showing "Nothing Found". How can I show the clicked category related posts on category detail page? Note: I am using twentytwenty-child theme. <?php /* Template Name: Our Jobs */ ?> <?php get_header(); ?> <?php wp_list_categories(array( 'parent' => '17', 'show_option_all' => '0', 'orderby' => 'name', 'order' => 'ASC', 'style' => 'list', 'show_count' => 1, 'hide_empty' => 1, 'use_desc_for_title' => 0, 'child_of' => 0, 'feed' …
I've created a Custom Post Type called 'Item' and added a multi-upload file/image/video field type but I'm not able to figure out how to register that custom field with WPGraphQL. Here's how I registered my CPT with WPGraphQL: add_filter( 'register_post_type_args', function( $args, $post_type ) { if ( 'item' === $post_type ) { $args['show_in_graphql'] = true; $args['graphql_single_name'] = 'item'; $args['graphql_plural_name'] = 'items'; } return $args; }, 10, 2 ); Any suggestions or can someone point me in the right direction for …
I need help to list related articles in my product page. Here what I have: Woo Products Custom type, created with Pods - "Artists" Both: "Products" and "Artists" use the same (can say shared) tags taxonomy ("product_tag") My goal is to list several articles with title, link and image from custom type "Artist" in my product page and vice versa. In other words my product_tag have to be something like "key" to recognize relationship between 2 different types. For example. …
So, I started to experiment with a GraphQL plugin for WP, and was wondering how it'd work with Pods. I came across a question on that plugin's GitHub that's pretty much the same thought I had. The maintainers supplied an answer: Each Custom Post Type and Custom Taxonomy you want to add to the Schema should have the following fields set: show_in_graphql (bool) graphql_single_name (string) graphql_plural_name (string) I think I know how to do it with directly creating a custom …
There's a conflict when using Pods, Elementor, and Ninja Forms together. This is a known issue by Ninja but the other players are uncooperative and Ninja is still a little ways out on a real fix. The conflict manifests by displaying a blank page when trying to edit a Ninja Form. At least in theory, if I can just disable the functionality of Pods or Elementor while I'm editing forms, I should be fine. I've attempted to deactivate_plugins on admin_init …
I have created one custom post type lets say movie, now I have created 4 posts under movie type. Slugs are movie/parasite/director and movie/parasite/actor. Similarly movie/joker/director and movie/joker/actor. Now I want to load two types of template one for director and other for actor based on slug. I'm using pod plugin for custom post type. What I'm doing I have created one single php file name single-movie.php file under theme folder. This single-movie.php file template file is loading for all …
I've been trying to add a subdirectory to my blog post's permalink for example However, this is affecting the other post types that I've created using Pods such as is now I would appreciate anyone helping me solve this problem. I still just want a blog as a subdirectory for my posts but I need the other post types not affected by that change.
I am trying to create a custom post type input using the wp_insert_post function, this custom post type called game was created using the pods framework and contains a series of custom fields which I try to give values using the meta_input key as follows Example using _pods_ prefix $entry = [ "post_title" => "{$post->post_title} - {$game->number}", "post_content" => "... {$id}", "post_type" => "game", "post_status" => "publish", "meta_input" => [ "_pods_game_number" => $game->number, "_pods_game_date" => $game->date, "_pods_fields" => $fields, "_pods_league" …
I am using PODS to add info to a users profile. I want to add data to the usermeta then do something with it right away. One the fields created by PODS is 'estimated_delivery_date'. I have simplified the code as show below. add_action( 'profile_update', 'initiate_participant_profile_update', 10, 2 ); function initiate_participant_profile_update( $user_id, $old_user_data ) { $estDD = get_user_meta( $user_id, 'estimated_delivery_date', true ); $pathBodyFile = dirname(__FILE__) . "/$user_id" . "ParticipantData.txt"; $fileBody = fopen($pathBodyFile, "a"); echo fwrite($fileBody, "Estimated Delivery Date: $estDD\n\n"); fclose($fileBody); } …
I'm using WordPress admin to create a page (named get-region-page), in which Pod shortcode is used to retrieve the URL parameter. For example: [pods name="region" slug="{@get.regionparam}" field="region_name"] With a redirection 301 to the URL /get-region-page&regionparam=$region_slug, the Pod shortcode works fine. The problem arrives when I need to create a rewrite rule for that page in functions.php (with 1234 is the page ID for get-region-page): add_rewrite_rule('({some-custom-regex})/?$','index.php?page_id=1234&regionparam=$matches[1]','top'); ...the parameter becomes null. I can no longer retrieve the URL parameter. But if I …
I'm looking to dynamically setup some pods housekeeping when a certain plugin is installed. I can easily check to see if a certain pod object has been set up (and create the pod type programatically if it hasn't) by using the following code: // Set up the Pods API object $pods_api = pods_api(); // Check to see if the post type has already been set up if ( !pods('custom_post_type_1') ) { // Create the new post type if it hasn't …
The icon for translation for custom fields using Plugin aren't working after installing WPGlobus Plugin and Pods Plugin, do I have to install the premium version of WPGlobus? I see when using Custom Posts UI Plugin and Advanced Custom Fields Plugin it works without any problem. Is there any work around for this? Is a Pods Issue? or WPGlobus issue?
So I have a Pod set up as a shortcode where it outputs the links for files a user uploads. Here is the following shortcode I made (imagine my shortcode being [getShortCode field="upload_files"]: function pods_current_user($atts) { extract(shortcode_atts(array( 'currUser' => get_current_user_id(), ), $atts)); extract(shortcode_atts(array( 'field' => "display_name", ), $atts)); $message = do_shortcode('[pods name="user" where="ID = '.$currUser.'"] {@'.$field.'}[/pods]'); return $message; } add_shortcode('getShortCode', 'pods_current_user'); At the moment what it outputs is a set of links to the uploaded files, but as a plain …
Hello good day everyone, Guys any idea how to hide permalinks from custom post types and should not be able to access via url. By the way, Im using Pods framework for my CPT's Example: Any suggestions, recommendation will be appreaciated. Thanks!