I'm working on a theme that should style all native WordPress blocks via CSS, including potentially extending them with custom 'style' options in the block editor via JS. Does anyone know of a list or reference site which lists all native blocks, ideally including information on the WordPress version(s) where they were introduced and links to their registerBlockStyle 'names' (ie, core/button or core/buttons)? Searching in the Codex, Handbook and in Google isn't getting me anywhere so far. Obviously I can …
I find inline links offputting to read so want to use wikipedia style foot-of-article references with incremental numeric linking to the external link reference. I can just stick the HTML in but on the off chance is there any plugins on WP for semi-automating the process?
Is there any method to get the previous page /refer page url in wordpress. In my wordpress site there is a paypal form it include return url . So after payment complete it come back to the site. Now i need to check this page is returned from paypal website, not the user manually taken this page. How to check this? Is there any function? Any suggestions?
I have this filter: $post_arr = apply_filters('insert_product_post_data', $post_arr, $data); add_filter('insert_product_post_data', 'my_filter', 10, 2); function my_filter($post_arr, $data) { //change $data here return $post_arr; } I need to change the value of $data is any way to do this ?
Is there a way of doing this with WordPress aside from using $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']? Maybe something like a blend of $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] and is_category(). Something like, came_from_category( 'uncategorized' ) or came_from_home()
This has happened time and time again on multiple sites. When it happens, it forces me to start with a fresh install of WordPress to get around it. The most recent example is on the WP Forms Lite plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wpforms-lite/ On the plugin, I enable recaptcha, and then instead of pointing to Google for the javascript file: https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js It points to my local site: /recaptcha/api.js This has happened to me on multiple WordPress installs, I feel like on every plugin …
I want to store metadata extracted from post/page content: IDs of other posts/pages on the same blog linked within the content of each post/page certain external URLs contained within the content of each post/page I've created two custom taxonomies to store this information: internal_reference and external_reference. Both are non-hierarchical and non-public. Edit page meta-boxes are also switched off as the metadata is extracted programmatically, and I don't want users overriding this with the checkboxes provided for other taxonomies like categories. …
I made custom template to randomly redirect users to posts with specific args I need to know if users reach the post from this page link or from another one I tried wp_get_referer(); but it's get the place which I clicked the link on to reach the page on short ( I need to know if user reach this url through redirecting from example.com?pageid=1 or not I am using wp_redirect ( get_permalink ( $post->ID ) ); for redirecting any Idea …
I've tried using page jumps as instructed by countless websites to "jump to the top of my page": Source code followed by destination code: <a href="top_page">LINK TEXT HERE</a> <a id="top_page"></a> However, this process only takes me to the top of the "body" portion of my page. Is there a way to jump to the very top of the whole page (i.e., above the title and banner picture)? In other words, I want to be able to jump so the scroll …
Using the Theme Check for test the quality of my theme, it return my theme is using the bloginfo(); Ex: <img src="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/static/img/logo.svg" The Theme Check recommended that I replace the bloginfo() for echo esc_url( get_template_directory_uri() ); I searched about it, but I'm not sure if using this function is a good practice. So, it's correct use echo esc_url( get_template_directory_uri() ); for call any files in my theme?
Does anyone happen to know how I can automatically turn: http://www.example.com/wp-content/themes/theme-name/css/stylesheeet.css into http://www.example.com/css/stylesheet.css Naturally I could just create the applicable folder within the root of the website, place the files there and just reference them but that is now what I am after. I am looking for a way to keep all CSS & JavaScript files within the theme folder but I would like for wordpress to show the above outlined url path if you view the source of the …
My objective is to have a form that can be send to different email adresses, depending on the referrer. For example: If someone would share this link: www.example.com/form/referrer1 The form should be emailed to: [email protected]. But if someone else shares the link www.example.com/form/referrer2 The form should be emailed to [email protected] Can this be done using just one form. Instead of a new form for every user. If so, how? Can this be done with the formidable plugin, which I currently …
When I was building my website locally using WAMP, I was just using simple include '/extras/file.php'; Of course, that would start at the root folder, and look in the extras folder. However, now I'm putting the website on a webserver, and have put it in a subdomain (to not interfere with the current live site). So I tried to change the include tags to a few different variations: include (home_url().'/extras/file.php'); include home_url().'/extras/file.php'; - (without parent brackets) And also the two …
I moved my wordpress website to a new URL on the same server and managed to update most DB entries with the Velvet Blues Update URLs plugin. But the paths to my pictures, which are being used by the theme were not updated. Now the website can't load them anymore. The pictures' URLs still point to the old place. Is there tool, which can fix that, so I don't have to search for all entries in the DB by myself?
everyone: this question seems pretty commmon to ask, but I did not find any answer. I was wondering, if there is a php function that I could use to direct a user to the site's registartion page, so that I can use php instead of link that I need to customize every time I change the link. THank you
Are there any good publicly-available WordPress training materials (videos, manuals, etc.) that could be used to give content editors a basic overview of WordPress? We have a handful of blogs on a WordPress server and I'd really like to be able to automate training some more.
I am going to write my own post display thing, and I cannot find a list of all these type of functions: the_date(); the_title(); the_excerpt(); I'm sure there are more, but where can I find a list?
Why, Where, and When to use reference pointers in filters/hooks? What are the potential cons of not using them when suggested or required? Just looking for a more detailed answer than the codex provides and maybe some real world applications of this. For example: add_filter('some_wp_filter', array(&$this, 'my_function_to_filter');
Does anyone know where I can get a list of all the body classes generated by body_class() for every sections and every conditions, including custom post-types, etc.? For example, for a search result page with certain conditions (eg. logged-in), the function produces this: <body class="search search-results logged-in admin-bar single-author two-column right-sidebar"> I need the full list for reference in creating a theme. Cheers!
I am a programmer, and love jQuery. Visual jQuery and other resources is THE best place to get all the code/function et get your hand dirty... But when it come to WordPress.. the code is too thin or too abstract... i nee more like a dictionary of term, function, and possibility What i need is like the ULTIMATE cheat sheet, made in a bible.. i don't care if it 20 pages, i need an HOW TO book of the function …