here is what I am doing: tweets=searchTwitter("walmart",n=3000, lang="en",since="2021-01-08",until="2021-01-10") And this is my error message: Warning message: In doRppAPICall("search/tweets", n, params = params, retryOnRateLimit = retryOnRateLimit, : 3000 tweets were requested but the API can only return 0 Any help would be appreciated.
I am trying to scrape tweets with the Twitter widget. However, when I try to connect Orange to my Twitter APP, it asks for a bearer token. After I put the bearer token, it shows up API error... I don't understand what is going on here.
I am working on a social network analysis project. My data comes from twitter. Before I run the analysis, I intend to apply clustering- specifically Kmeans to determine how to seperate tweets in categories. I vectorized my data using the following code: vectorizer3 = TfidfVectorizer(stop_words = stop_words, tokenizer = tokenize, max_features = 1000) X3=vectorizer3.fit_transform(df_connections['text'].values.astype('str')) word_features3 = vectorizer3.get_feature_names_out() len(word_features3) Next, I run the following code: from sklearn.cluster import KMeans clusters = [2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15] for i in clusters …
I'm new to data scraping, and I would like to know if there is a way to scrape from multiple Twitter hashtags at the same time using Orange? I've been trying to scrape from #covidvaccine and #gst at the same time on Orange, but I realized that Orange only scrapes #covidvaccine OR #gst, rather than, #covidvaccine AND #gst. If anyone could point me in the right direction, I would really appreciate it :) thanks!
I am facing a site preview-related issue. Whenever I paste my site or post a link on social media platform then they must be shown that particular link preview, but except the Facebook, none of the social media platforms are showing any link preview. Such as Twitter, Quora, WhatsApp, etc. This is my site link: You can pick any of the posts from the website. Rest I have checked OG tags, it is perfectly fine and using Cloudflare SSL.
I am studying the problem to predict popularity of a tweet, and want to test null hypothesis: there is no relationships between favorite_counts and another set of variables, like number of friends of users. I am not sure if normalise or standardise the variables, because I am thinking how to model popularity and don't know how the distributions of likes and friends among users are (please advise). So I tried the two, and tried an independent t_test. I get very …
I am creating a dataset with 4 classes, and there are 50K rows, I am already getting 86% accuracy, 0.85 Precison, 0.86 Recall and 0.71 F1-Score on SVM with 80,20 split. I have to publish this dataset in a research paper, but I am concerned about the class %age distribution. For example, Class 1 has more data than Class 4. (Dataset Annotation is already done) Dataset is scraped from Twitter, Technically I can not force users to post specifically about …
I have lot of tweets and from which i need to filter out and discard irrelevant tweets. the criteria for a tweet to be irrelevant is very simple. if all that a tweet has is emojis or a single hastag or multiple hastags etc,. put simply, if a tweet contains no actual information to extract, that's irrelevant. are there any pre-built packages available. I don't want to build a classifier, because this is going to be used inside of the …
When registering the Twitter developer account, I saw the response as below "Thank you for your request. In order for us to review, we need a few additional details about your plans for the academic access to our API that you’re requesting. The information we need is listed below: Will your research present Twitter data individually or in aggregate? Please reply to this email to provide us this information. Please keep in mind, we need to receive the information listed …
I was told that the first version of Tweepy allowed unlimited calls. This was confusing for me since it would have been Twitter to set the call limit and not based on Tweepy. Was Twitter at some point allowing an unlimited call amount?
I want to find tweets from the last 5 years to a topic. For this I decide for 50 Keywords (related to the main topic), where I want to find data on Twitter. I want to find out how the trend on the subject is, are there any opposing/negative opinions, are there recognizable patterns, ... (I am also unsure which possibilities I have to get something useful from the data) I totally new to Data Science and never done it …
I retrieve data to a specific topic from Twitter and did my sentiment analysis on it. I never did anything in NLP, etc. So what else can I do with that? "Main goal" would be to find out if the Twitter community is against this "topic" or not. I am also struggling with cleaning the data and I mean by that, that I am unsure how much should I clean on that Tweet. I would be also glad to get …
I'm creating some images from WP posts using HTML5 Canvas and saving them to my uploads folder. I'm then sharing them to Facebook, which works fine, but to share to Twitter I need to update the Twitter Meta tags with the image URL's. I'm aware I can't do this with JS and need to do it server side, but I can't work out how to to this... I'm using the following function in functions,php add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_canvasUpload', 'canvasUpload'); add_action('wp_ajax_canvasUpload', 'canvasUpload'); function canvasUpload(){ …
So Yoast SEO has an issue where you can't define a global default twitter card image. So I'm looking to both set a default twitter card image but allow for the override on the specific pages to actually work. I'm currently using: $default_opengraph = ''; function default_opengraph() { global $default_opengraph; return $default_opengraph; } add_filter('wpseo_twitter_image','default_opengraph'); Which allows me to globally set the default twitter card image, but the problem with this is: It prevents page specific overrides from working (Yoast SEO …
I have a post with a featured image (size 736x212). The post url is this. I shared my post on twitter, but the tweet doesn't show the image (if you want to check click here). What could be the problem?
I have a content aggregation website coming online, and have setup a CPT that is being populated with Twitter search results through WP RSS Aggregator. The permalink for each post is the URL to the tweet. I know WordPress will parse links to tweet and format them for display. How can I loop these permalinks and have WP process them? Every plugin I’ve tried only pulls from Twitter, and won’t pull from a CPT. I can loop them with php …
I wanted to do my first project on sentiment analysis. My goal is trying to do sentiment analysis on tweets that mention 'Uber' and see if there is correlation with the stock price: 'UBER'. Problem is it went public this year, so I would need tweets from this year, my question is: Is there any way of avoiding paying for the api: ? How can I get let's say 10,000 tweets of this year mentioning uber? Or maybe, given …
I am creating my first WordPress plugin. It is a Twitter plugin that uses Twitter API 1.1 and OAuth 2.0 to generate a bearer token and then use that to fetch Tweets from Twitter. The plugin is almost ready to be launched. Right now, the user of the plugin will need to go here: and create a new app, filling in all details, so that they can generate their Consumer API key & secret to use with my plugin. …
I have this big data collected from here. So what I would like to asks are How to perform file I/O with the file? From the download like it was mentioned that it used .tsv format, but after unpacking I got .twitter file which is foreign for me and so far I haven't found any reliable documentation regarding file I/O of this file type. Since the file is huge, supposed i could do file I/O it is still impossible to …
I want to do a sentiment analysis using twitter data. Was thinking about hardcoding a cURL script to download data, from a Google Cloud service (I'll run the data on a neural network on the server, to label each tweet), but I have this question: Am I allowed to do this? I know twitter sells the data, so I am not sure if I can get in trouble for downloading it directly (I have to disclose the data gathering methodology …