How do I find out from my database what version of Wordpress I need?

I have a Wordpress website that someone broke at some point when trying to update it. Unfortunately, I do not have a backup of the original files that the site used. What I do have is a seemingly acceptable backup of the SQL database. However, whenever I try to pair this database with some Wordpress files, I get asked to do a database update. When I do a database update, I lose parts of the website that I need. I …
Category: Web

Wordpress GUI and wp-cli are saying we have the latest version, but we don't

GUI and wp-cli are saying that we have the latest version, but we don't. chanahelen@webarch5:~/sites/default/wp-content/themes$ wp core version 5.5.3 chanahelen@webarch5:~/sites/default/wp-content/themes$ wp core check-update Success: WordPress is at the latest version. 5.5.3 is not the latest, the latest is currently 5.8.3. Advice I've seen so far is to check the wp-cli version - this is up to date (2.5.0), and to disable any caching plugins (done). I wondered if it might be held back by the PHP version; however, we are …
Category: Web

How best to handle database version dependence (from $wp_db_version)

I'm working on a plugin to speed up WordPress queries by adding / changing indexes on WordPress tables. My question is this: should I make my plugin refuse to work if the database version in $wp_db_version is greater than what I've tested with? It's now at 49752. It seems from wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php that the core team sometimes adds or changes indexes, but that they haven't done so since the 4-byte utfmb4 character set came along. What's the core team discipline for …
Category: Web

Where in the backend can I get information about the current WordPress version I am using?

In the dashboard backend admin area, I only see Update to Wordpress <Latest Version> in the updates section, and at the bottom, is the Get Version <Latest Version> link, but nowhere does it tell me what version of Wordpress I am using in the backend anywhere, before deciding to update to the latest version. Where can I get this information?
Category: Web

Wordpress install enters an infinite loop

I am really struggling with this one - hopefully someone here can help... I am installing a brand new, fresh version of Wordpress v4.0 (A task I've performed easily 100+ times before without incident) I have setup a brand new sub-domain and database for it then run the install script... But, everytime I try, I get caught in an infinite loop... I tried deleting the sub-domain and database and recreating a new, completely different sub-domain and database name but the …
Category: Web

Change the version of default style.css in wordpress

I'm working on Wordpress + Bootstrap 4 by customising according to the design. The default style.css loads as: <link rel='stylesheet' id='wp-bootstrap-starter-style-css' href='http://localhost/hrone/wp-content/themes/theme_name/style.css?ver=5.2.3' type='text/css' media='all' /> I would like to change the version from 5.2.3 to 5.2.4 or auto change it time base. How do I go about doing this? I have just 1 css file since this is a custom theme.
Category: Web

Switch from Beta Version to Stable Version

I am currently running a WordPress Beta Version on a new site I'm testing. Now, it's about time to go live and I was wondering what should I do in order to get back to the stable version of WordPress? I'm trying to avoid the re-installation process all over again if possible. If I stick to this beta release for now and delete the Beta Tester Plugin, can I upgrade to the most stable version of WordPress when it hits …
Category: Web

How to remove the WordPress version from some .css/.js files

I know that I can use the following function to remove the version from all .css and .js files: add_filter( 'style_loader_src', 'sdt_remove_ver_css_js', 9999 ); add_filter( 'script_loader_src', 'sdt_remove_ver_css_js', 9999 ); function sdt_remove_ver_css_js( $src ) { if ( strpos( $src, 'ver=' ) ) $src = remove_query_arg( 'ver', $src ); return $src; } But I have some files, for instance style.css, in the case of which I want to add a version in the following way: function css_versioning() { wp_enqueue_style( 'style', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . …
Category: Web

Replace or Alter the wp_version_check() Function

As you might know, the discussion about wp_version_check() and update.php has been a hot topic for give or take a decade. My question is this; Can we, by using the child theme / custom parent theme, "unset" or somehow replace a core file with our own version of the same and in this case -- the update.php file located in the wp-includes folder. The idea is simple = being able to stop the sending of data to WP. Having spoken …
Category: Web

Getting version number of latest Wordpress release

I want to find out the latest version of WordPress that is officially released. If possible, I'd like to get that version language specific for at least English and German. I could try and parse the website but it doesn't have the version number in a specific place. I also know I could download the latest package (, but I don't need the whole package, just the version number. Is there a reliable, stable way to just get the …
Category: Web

Automatically determine minimum WordPress version required for a plugin?

When developing a plugin, is there a way to automatically determine the minimum version of WordPress that's required to run it? I want to make sure that the Requires header is accurate, but manually checking every time I call a new core function is tedious and error-prone. I'm thinking a script could figure it out easily enough: Scan all the files in a plugin. Parse out all the class instantiations and function calls based on the new foo( [...] ), …
Category: Web

How to find out when Wordpress version last updated

I'm trying to troubleshoot a Wordpress site that has been automatically downloading minor version revisions. I can easily see which version of Wordpress it is using, and I can see on the main Wordpress website when that version was released, but I am not able to see when that version was applied to my site. Is there a way to find this out without logging onto the server to check the timestamp on the files that were updated? Checking this …
Category: Web

Is it possible to remove the version number from the wp-login.php page?

I am trying to hide all version number on my WordPress site. Is it possible to remove the ver= version number from the stylesheet link in the wp-login.php page? href=',buttons,forms,l10n,login&ver=4.9.8' I already have the following in my functions.php: remove_action('wp_head', 'wp_generator'); add_filter('the_generator', '__return_empty_string'); function shapeSpace_remove_version_scripts_styles($src) { if (strpos($src, 'ver=')) { $src = remove_query_arg('ver', $src); } return $src; } add_filter('style_loader_src', 'shapeSpace_remove_version_scripts_styles', 9999); add_filter('script_loader_src', 'shapeSpace_remove_version_scripts_styles', 9999); Can someone please explain why this has been down voted so that I can improve the question? …
Category: Web

Why does the WordPress official website show a fake release date?

I am just wondering why the WordPress official website is showing an incorrect release date for the 4.4.14 version. On 16 January, 2018, WordPress 4.4.14 was released to the public. The current WordPress version is 4.9.2, also this version's release date is the same. On 16 January, 2018, WordPress 4.9.2 was released to the public.
Category: Web

Determining WordPress' Version from the Host's Command Line?

Given that I can't access the dashboard/admin pages on my blog (that's a future question), and that I have shell access to my hosting server, can I find out the current version of WordPress from the command line? I tried grepping for the string '@since' in all the php files in the top level directory for the blog, and the latest I can see is 2.5...
Category: Web

Relative security of different releases of WordPress

Since each major-version of WordPress (like 4.0 or 4.4) gets its own series of security updates (currently 4.0.10 or 4.4.2), are the updated newer major-versions significantly more secure than updated older ones? More specifically: Is 4.4.2 (from 2/2/2016) much more secure that 4.0.10 (also from 2/2/2016)? And will 4.5 (when it's first released, as 4.5.0) be much more secure than 4.4.2? Or might it be less secure than 4.4.2, since 4.5 won't have had a security update yet?
Category: Web

Wordpress Version check with PHP

I've made a little script that checks for last wordpress version of a site, for some its ok if the website shows the info about version, but there is a problem where if there are more name="generator" it gets the last line. Any ideas guys? Thanks. <?php function file_get_contents_curl($url) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); $data = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); return $data; } $link = mysqli_connect("localhost", "", "", ""); if($link === …
Category: Web


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