:) I have a big gravity form with conditional fields. If a field is relevant - only if relevant - I would like the data from that field to be passed to a LIST field. I would like it to create a new row (not replace the data already there). And I would like that row to then be populated with dynamic data. I have got a snippets plugin and I also have gravity flow and form connector. Any thoughts?
How would one go about placing a 3 second Fullscreen Video/GIF Intro upon website start up as a preloader. I've tried coding it in but there's always something conflicting and limits the functionality of the website, and just doesn't feel, proper. So what would be the best way to do it? Plugin suggestions are welcome as long as they are free :) Thanks.
I am trying to hot reload with my project's bundled assets, but hot reload is not executing the browser refreshes when I make changes to any of my files. I am looking at the F12 browser console, but nothing is being executed or loading, its just blank. functions.php function workshop_01_theme() { wp_enqueue_script('workshop_01-js', get_theme_file_uri('/bundled-assets/scripts.bedc8565a6cb22e37037.js'), NULL, '1.0', true); wp_enqueue_style('worskshop_01-style', get_theme_file_uri('/bundled-assets/styles.bedc8565a6cb22e37037.css')); } add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'workshop_01_theme'); package.json { "name": "workshop_01", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "", "main": "index.js", "scripts": { "dev": "npm-run-all -p devFast buildWatch", "devFast": "webpack …
I have been trying to get my wordpress project to use hot reload, but when changes are made to my files, nothing is changed/updated. I initially had it executing like this from my functions.php file: function workshop_01_theme() { wp_enqueue_script('workshop_01-js', 'http://localhost:3000/bundled.js', NULL, '1.0', true); } add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'workshop_01_theme'); Which has been working perfectly and output in F12 console: [HMR] Waiting for update signal from WDS... log.js:24 [WDS] Hot Module Replacement enabled. index.js:48 [WDS] Live Reloading enabled. index.js:52 However, when I wish to …
In the command line webpack throws out the following error when I try to execute 'npm run dev' with the following commands: "dev": "npm-run-all -p devFast buildWatch", "devFast": "webpack serve", "buildWatch": "webpack --watch", "build": "webpack", Error: PS C:\wamp64\www\workshop_01\wp-content\themes\workshop_01> npm run dev > [email protected] dev C:\wamp64\www\workshop_01\wp-content\themes\workshop_01 > npm-run-all -p devFast buildWatch > [email protected] devFast C:\wamp64\www\workshop_01\wp-content\themes\workshop_01 > webpack serve > [email protected] buildWatch C:\wamp64\www\workshop_01\wp-content\themes\workshop_01 > webpack --watch [webpack-cli] Failed to load 'C:\wamp64\www\workshop_01\wp-content\themes\workshop_01\webpack.config.js' config [webpack-cli] TypeError: ManifestPlugin is not a constructor at Object.<anonymous> (C:\wamp64\www\workshop_01\wp-content\themes\workshop_01\webpack.config.js:124:115) …
Ok, so I have been getting this error thrown out when I try to run my npm run devFast command, so it can watch my theme for saved changes. I think it has to do something with my file structure, some how its not reading the wordpress css file that I have copied over to the css folder so that the scripts.js file can import the css file into scripts.js to refresh my browser automatically when I make changes to …
I would like to develope locally meanwhile using a wp remote database. I've been searching for a long time in google and trying some configurations (wp-config.php) without success. I achieve to make it work, but without satisfaction (I have looping redirection, revolution slider not working, etc) I customize this values, and get the remote connection, but maybe there is something about the server path that needs to be configured ¿?: define('DB_NAME', 'db_name'); // remote define('DB_USER', 'db_user'); // remote define('DB_PASSWORD', '123456'); …
Hello WP DEV Community, I understand this question has been asked ad nauseam... I'm trying to customize a development workflow (WordPress + WooCommerce) that allows me to develop locally (to speed up development, see changes instantly in browser) -- then push to PROD. After reading many StackExchange posts/articles/forums, this does not appear to be a trivial task. I am hoping to gain some insights with the following question that will help me with the above goal. I am primarily trying …
Does anybody know a solution or smarttrick to maintain lets say 100+ forms on wordpress websites from 1 main location. So lets say i have 500 websites with the exact same contact form and i would like to add 1 field to all of them at the same time it would take me 10 minutes instead of a complete day.
The Wordpress site I am working on has thousands of posts, is updated hourly, and has dozens of plugins and hacks to get it to work in the way it does. Can someone explain a git workflow that would allow the following? Essentially, I want to take everything that is currently there — all Wordpress files, posts, plugins, etc. – and work on it locally. This would include, I presume, copying the database and running it locally. (I am aware …
I would like to moderate WordPress users’ edits to their own profiles. As I understand it, the default would be for the profile changes to go online immediately. Instead, I’d like to leave the older version online, until an Admin has approved the edit. I've checked several of the moderation plugins (e.g. Revisionary), and the user directory plugins, but they only seem to moderate the creation of users, not their revision. How could the revisions be moderated?
Basically: I want my work to be meaningful and efficient. I am considering making my local development AND staging database the same thing. I would develop on my local machine but have the SQL data stored on a web server. I could build the site and move the important parts to staging where I can give the client access for writing text when they want to supply their own copy. I could keep building other features and pages while the …
In the classic editor, an option for removing all formatting in a selected text was possible in the visual tab. Is there such a function for Gutenberg? If not, is it planned at some point? What would be the easiest workflow for establishing a 'clear all tags and links' procedure in your opinion with Gutenberg without such an option?
I was searching for a way to enable/use a workflow for uploaded files (in my case pictures). Users with specific roles/capabilities should be able to upload files that are connected to a post. The post also has an custom field that holds an array used as gallery in the post view. What I want is: 1. User uploads file 2. Attachment post is generated via media_handle_upload 3. Attachment gets "pending" post_status 4. Id is added to array 5. Admin only …
I occasionally want to reset my WordPress installation back to default--both the database and files. What is the most efficient way to do so? I know there are viable plugins to reset the database. But are there automated methods to reset the files to default as well? Or do I need to simply delete everything and re-upload all the WordPress files?
We've been developing for Wordpress for several years and whilst our workflow has been upgraded at several points there's one thing that we've never solved... merging a local Wordpress database with a live database. So I'm talking about having a local version of the site where files and data are changed, whilst the data on the live site is also changing at the same time. All I can find is the perfect world scenario of pulling the site down, nobody …
I'm loving the proposed WordPress workflow shown below. However, since I am new to WordPress, I want to know how realistic it is. DATABASES MOVE DOWN, CODE MOVES UP This idea is presented both in a WPEngine support article for WordPress and in another article called "No More Cowboy Coding." The idea is that a tool like "WP Migrate DB" is used to pull a production database into a dev environment, but the opposite is never true. Problems? I'm concerned …
I would love to know what is your workflow when creating new post or pages. Do you edit the html and css of your pages and posts in local dev environment and push it to the production site? What is your method? I am asking this because I want to add version control to my workflow. Any link or hint is appreachiated.
I'm using SASS & Gulp for my development. Though I can’t properly setup workspace in Google Chrome. I add project folder (should be theme folder, right?) but what should I map to what to edit SASS directly? Gulp Task for styles is: gulp.task('styles', function () { gulp.src(styleSRC) .pipe(sourcemaps.init()) .pipe(sassPartialsImported('assets/css/')) .pipe(sass({ errLogToConsole: true, })) .on('error', console.error.bind(console)) .pipe(sourcemaps.write({includeContent: false})) .pipe(sourcemaps.init({loadMaps: true})) .pipe(autoprefixer(AUTOPREFIXER_BROWSERS)) .pipe(sourcemaps.write(styleDestination)) .pipe(gulp.dest(styleDestination)) .pipe(browserSync.stream()) // Reloads style.css if that is enqueued. .pipe(rename({suffix: '.min'})) .pipe(minifycss({ maxLineLen: 10 })) .pipe(gulp.dest(styleDestination)) .pipe(filter('**/*.css')) // Filtering …
I made a site a few months ago without using a development or staging environment. I just updated everything on the live site, which was fine at the time because the domain wasn't public. We were switching domains and used that domain as "testing domain." But, now the site is live and I need to make some major changes to the theme. I still want to keep all the content, though. So, I thought that now was the time I …