At the moment Android 2.2 has a pretty incomprehensible icon of a battery that shows remaining strength. Is there a way to switch that to a numeric display (like is available on the iPhone)?
Whats the best way to break in a new cell phone battery? I just got a replacement battery for my Motorola Droid and so far through 2 cycles it is barely lasting a few hours.
I usually disconnect my cellphone from the charger some time after it's fully charged because I'm afraid the battery could lose capacity over time if I don't. However, I believe modern electronics should be able to handle this kind of scenario and automatically stop charging the battery once it's full. Does this apply to modern Android phones? Or do I need to continue disconnecting it all the time?
Are there any apps that will specifically help to drain a battery down quickly? The scenario I would want to have this is if I want to quickly drain the battery so I can charge it fully again. Some say that this will help extend the battery life by fully draining/charging the battery.
The plug sure looks like any old micro USB plug. Will another cable (like the one from my digital camera) work to charge the battery, or do I need one specifically designed for my phone (incredible)
Since cellphone application software requires extra power for processing. Is there any application software that indicate power consumption by particular application?
Every so often, my phone (Motorola Milestone, firmware 2.1-update1) decides that the battery is almost drained and that I have to turn the phone off. This may happen just a few hours after charging it, and a subsequent restart confirms that yes, the battery does still have a charge, still at 70-80% capacity. This tends to happen every few weeks, and it's been happening basically ever since I bought the phone a few months ago, so I'm pretty sure it's …
According to JuicePlotter, my HTC Evo's 3G radio is always on when the screen is on -- even when doing absolutely nothing. I tested this by turning the brightness down to 1 and opening the settings menu and just leaving it there. The screen was set to never shut off. I got pretty significant battery drain. I ask because I want to improve my battery life when reading downloaded books with the Kindle app. It seems to me that the …
I have a Moto DROID (v1). On a trip from Tyler, TX to DFW airport I had my phone in the car dock and charging. I was using Navigation for directions to the airport and also had Listen running to play a podcast over the device speaker. As I neared the airport, the phone rebooted a few times and then remained off. I took the phone out of the dock and noticed it was very hot to the touch. At …