I am new to homebrewing, I made only 2 BIAB batches. I am using a 25l keg and a burner. My pre mash batch is 21-23l since I don't want the wort to overflow when boiling. In a biab method since there is no recirculation and sparging, I think we loose 3-5l until the fermentation bucket. Due to that loss and that I can't chill the wort to the desired temp (I brew for 2 hours and try to chill …
I'd like to try homebrewing, and I've read a great deal about the process, but I will have more time than money (I'm about to graduate from college). It seems like most people buy a lot of equipment and then start with 5-gallon extract kits. The reasoning behind this seems to be that extract kits are easier and take less time to brew (and have fewer opportunities to make mistakes), and most recipes are calibrated for 5-gallon batches. However, I've …
first time poster (long time lurker) on these forums. Hope you'll are doing well. I am 6 months into this hobby and have brewed 3 Pale Ales which have ranged from disastrous to pretty bad :P I now am eager to brew a Porter (1 Gallon). All the 3 brews I have done so far have been using the Brewers Friend Windows Software which has stopped working. So I have tried Beersmith and the Brewfather app, must say, I found …
I did my first homebrew a fortnight ago, an american IPA BIAB-style on the stovetop. I ended up with a low OG (~1.045 - target was 1.075) and now after two weeks of fermentation a high FG too (~1.026). I have tried readded some dry yeast but a day later the gravity has not changed. After a little reading it looks like one of two things went wrong: I forgot to shake the carboy to aerate it & maybe I …
I have done some research but are easily confused by metric (approximate imperial) conversions. My constraints are really a lack of proper equipment but I have the following: 2 x 5 L (5 qt) fermentation bottles (PET water bottles) 300 mm (1 ft) diameter - 300 mm (1 ft) deep pot that will fit on my gas stove, calculated total volume 20 L (20 qt) no chilling facilities My planned quantities are as follows: 30 g (1 oz) hops 12 …
I am looking at doing some all grain BIAB small batch brews ie 1 gallon. I was wondering if there was any place i could get some good recipes from? Websites,PDF,any ones blog pages, Thanks so much. John
I've had problems with low efficiency when I have a large percentage of wheat in my BIAB batches. I am planning a Hefeweizen recipe that will be 60% white wheat malt and I want to get it right this time. Does anyone have experience with doing a protein rest in BIAB? Does anyone think this might improve my efficiency issue? My biggest concern is rising up to the full mash temp after the protein rest without over shooting. It's difficult …
I'm thinking about moving from extract with grains brewing to all grain brewing, instead of buying a bigger pot I'm thinking about using the same one I used for extract and downsize my butch (which actually solves a bunch of other problems for me). What size of batches can I produce with a 12L pot (actually an electric urn) doing BIAB in it?
So I was thinking about switching from extract with grains brewing to all grain brewing using the BIAB method. I had this idea to use several of the small disposable bags I get for the grains in the extract and grains method instead of a big one for all of the grains. Is there a down side I'm not seeing for this method?
I have recently started BIAB, and my wort is very cloudy after the boil. Much "cloud material" ends up in the fermentor, since it takes really long to settle and is easily stirred. It mostly looks like flour, and is present even without hops (I have tested). Question: Is it OK to filter the wort after chilling, or will I remove some important stuff? (I could also filter just the last part.) Will Irish Moss or WhirFloc help with this …
As per this recipe for a Belgian Dark Strong Ale, I'm brewing a beer where it's suggested you take a portion of the pre-boil wort, and boil it down separately to create a syrup to add back to the main wort later. Given this, how should I calculate my pre-boil volume? Should I... a) Use the same pre-boil volume as usual, but take a portion of this to boil into a syrup b) Create a larger than usual pre-boil volume, …
I am planning a small experimental 1 gallon BIAB batch of something like an Amber Ale. According to one article I've found: Description of Typical Grain Bill Amber Ale is traditionally made with American two row pale malt as the base, making up 60-85% of the grain bill. Medium to dark crystal malts are used to provide color and caramel flavor, typically making up 10-20% of the grain bill. My Proposed Grain Bill 2 lbs. Briess Organic 2-Row 0.5 lb. …
I have a 10 gallon boil kettle and was doing a BIAB with a required mash temp of 154 F and 13 lbs of grain. About 10 minutes into the mash, most of the kettle was reading 145-150 F, but one spot was 125 F and another spot was 170 F. I gave it a good stir and moderared the heat continually. That helped even it out nicely. But, it made me wonder. When you measure the temp, are you …
I've been reading brulosophy a lot recently and I'm amazed they've not done a BIAB (brew in a bag) vs mash tun test. It seems to me there's still a question over whether BIAB can ever fully achieve the wonders of a full mash tun system. But i've never read anywhere where someone has compared side by side? Also; Given the grainfather and Braumeister are effectively BIAB, it seems to me any issues are resolved these days. (I've never heard …
I'm an extract brewer that is going to try a BIAB 5 gallon batch. Reading about BIAB has me wondering why brewers would still do all-grain? Does sparging make that much of a difference? Also, why do a partial mash and add extract if you have a kettle large enough to steep all the grains? Ok, last question. Does mashing in the full volume reduce grain efficiency much? Thanks!
I'm planning a Wheat IPA with 42% malted wheat in the grain bill. Is it normal to do the protein rest on the entire grain bill even if only some of the grains in the bill (i.e. the wheat) benefit from it? Or is it okay or recommended to just do the protein rest on the grains that need it? I'm doing BIAB and it would save some time if I did the protein rest of just the wheat grain …
I tried for the first time using the BIAB method and ran into a big problem with the mashing bag. I placed all the ingredients (9lbs of different grains) in the mashing bag without thinking of the weight problem/absorption. I was unable to remove the bag from the pot - it was just too heavy and it had absorbed 3/4 of the wart (5 gallons). What did I do wrong? Is my mashing bag too fine? Was I suppose to …