This is the time of question where I don't know even where to start, so i'll describe what I have and what I want, so that someone maybe could give me a direction to go. I'm not asking for code, just for what approach to take. What I have I have a Wordpress website, with some static content and stuff, all content was added via the public available plugins and the easy to use customizer. Also I have a custom …
I am trying to create a post in Punjabi Language . But when i try to paste punjabi text into the editor , the language automatically gets converted to English. I tried using the Google Translator plugin , but that does not convert the page accurately. Is there a way i can post articles in regional language ?
I want to use my personal plugin only in some pages. If I remove the add_action function ('the_content', 'my_plugin_content'); the plugin does not show me the content of the other pages that are not in in_array (); function my_plugin_content($content){ global $post; global $wp; global $wpdb; $page =array('page1', 'page2','page3'); $current_page = $wp->request; if(in_array($current_page, $page)) { $old_content=$post->post_content; $sql = "UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = '' WHERE ID = $post->ID"; $wpdb->get_results($sql); include_once(plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ).'loaders/loaders.php'); $obj = new Loader; $content.=$obj->controller($current_page); $my_post = array(); $my_post['ID'] …
I'm making a Wordpress theme that generate placeholder menus using the theme support "starter content". I read the documentation and is very vague: I want in my theme generate menus and them put images in each menu item using the plugin Menu Image. But I can't find a hook that executes after starter content generation and executes only once. The hooks I use the content is basically in customizer changeset and I can't access them using the normal Nav …
I see this subject comes up regularly but have not seen an answer to my specific requirement yet. I'm trying to use a WordPress page as a template and insert database-sourced content (about 20 or so fields of text, including image file names) based on an ID passed as a URL parameter (and index to my database). e.g. Before WordPress, I could do this in PHP easily by executing some code to get a database record and then writing …
I'm planning to add a question and answers (custom post type) to my website. I already use my default WP comment system on my posts. Now I want a custom content type for my question post type to be answered by users. It needs to behaves 100% similar to WP comment system. My needs: 1. Users submit answers(comment) with EMail Name URL and answer, I and other user roles approves them on backend. 2. Seperate menu from comments in wp-admin. …
Using PODS, I created a content type "sorteio" (lottery). I made a routine in functions.php to create the title automatically and, after creating the first record, url looks like this: But it does not matter, this url should be disregarded because the records of this content type "sorteio" will be shown through a special script that I created:, where "632" was the id created for this record. I installed the Yoast SEO plugin and unfortunately I forgot to …
I have a following code for the custom post type, and I want to display the content of it inside the loop. $args = array( 'post_type' => 'gallery', 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'paged' => $paged, 'supress_filters' => false, ); // Tax query if ( $gallery_filter_parent ) { $args['tax_query'] = array( array( 'taxonomy' => 'gallery_cats', 'field' => 'id', 'terms' => $gallery_filter_parent ) ); } // Get post type ==> gallery query_posts( $args ); // Loop through gallery items while ( have_posts() ) …
I could not found a realiable way to create new content type and allow the permalink structure works. Every place where someone wants to let the permalink structure works to a new content type in WordPress I read that the user needs to visit the Settings > Permalinks admin page. Lots of reference also mentioning the use of the flush_rewrite_rules() to "flush rewrite rules". But until now, none of then worked, I still needs to visit the permalinks page. Look …
This may seem like a noob question but I think I have entered the wordpress world from the "wrong side". I have made an custom template where I added for example home.php, about.php and the pages I want locally. Then I use filezilla to upload them and then I created the same pages on wp-admin and chose the corresponding file.php as a template to this. So I make changed locally and upload it instead of doing it on wp-admin. This …
I bought some long time ago an HTML theme which was an one-page template, however I'm changing it to be a multiple page, for SEO reasons. Then, my homepage has a lot of sections, containing slideshow, portfolio gallery, testimonials, pricing table, tabs etc. So, I'm a little bit "lost" about how to manage that and put each content in its respective page, considering the fact that I'm using the Yoast SEO plugin, so SEO here is a huge point. What …
is there a way to load a page content ( or an element ) from a page into another one on a same Wordpress website? For example, if I had a page with some links would it be possible to make a specific element ( such as a div ), that comes from an another page, appear in a specific part of the page? If it was possible, can anyone help me reaching out the best way to do it …
Goal: To define content (phone number, address etc) in the admin area that can be used (called upon) in a theme. Context: I am making a theme for a multi-site where every site will look the same, but have different content. The user should be able to easily add basic information in the admin area, preferably accessible through the left menu. The data fields will be predefined. It is important that each piece of data can be fetch independently. My …
The site I'm working on has a couple of pages that needs to be filled with different content elements like text image combinations, sliders, lists of content, etc. The client would need to re-order these content blocks, add new ones and so forth. Every content block would be piece of content (post or custom post type) or a list of content. From what I understand I have 2 options: Use an complex plugin to drag and drop predefined content Use …
I would like to insert an iframe with WordPress content inside a post. I explain myself. I have two things: a post and a presentation. In the the_content() WordPress filter, I add my iframe to the $content. This iframe has a src pointing to a custom .php file, and inside this .php I want to have access to my loop but I can not manage to do it. So I cheat and pass the ID of the post through the …
I've made mistake creating custom post type. I've put: register_post_type( 'Post Name', $args ); instead of register_post_type( 'post_name', $args ); Now I need to assign new custom taxonomy to this post type. Problem stars here: register_taxonomy( 'custom taxonomy', array( 'Post Name' ), $args ); doesn't work. I've tried to change custom post type name to one string and then assign taxonomy and it works. register_taxonomy( 'custom taxonomy', array( 'post_name' ), $args ); Problem is that because of existing content I …
Im new to WordPress, I have been working with Drupal for about 6 years and recently switched over to WP, couldnt be happier :) I have a question that I need some assistance with and was hoping that someone could help me out with. I am using Gravity Forms to allow users to submit content on the Front End, all works great, users are able to come and register then post their own content. Now, what i need to do …
I am having 3 custom contents on my front page. Each of them must have an image. However, I want some of them not to have the image, I want to have that field optional. Any idea where may I change it? I couldn't find any plug in related to that. Only in theme theme folder there is plug in: advanced-custom-fields but I can't find it through wordpress. The theme is custom, made by another guy so I am not …