What is the best way to add cherry flavour to cider batch? I previously tried adding whole mashed cherries to the carboy at the beginning of primary fermentation. Would it have been been to first make a simple syrup with the cherries or to simple add cherry juice?
I'm considering using some green tea to flavor my last batch of yuzu-wit beer. I was wondering if anyone ever used tea for this purpose. My first idea is to put the tea in a hop sac with some weight to make in sink and to put it in secondary fermentation for 2-4 days just before bottling. How does that sound ? Also, i'm worried about contamination from the tea, should I freeze the tea ? sink in vodka (wouldnt …
I want to brew a beer, with an approx. alcohol content of 5% that incorporate's a hint of a soy flavor to it. Considering that what process would I need to use. Pilsner? Or another type?
The general caution I read when I started this batch of cider was to not do flavoring during fermentation as to avoid off taste weirdness. So my cider is now fermented and I'd like to keep it dry but would like to add some flavoring. Potentially ginger. I have carbonation drops that I plan to use for carbonation, I figure these will impart some sweetness by themselves whether I like it or not. But in terms of adding flavoring, what …
When fermenting with Mr Beer plastic Keg or upright Carboy, and I want to add a fruit flavor. Is the best way to add the flavor to add actual fruit or use the essence of the fruit that I want to use. Any help is very much appreciated.
So, I've added my grapefruit potion along with my hops in the secondary fermenter. Will it need to stay in the secondary fermenter longer because of the added alcohol / ingredients?
I would like to try flavoring my kombucha. I have heard you can add herbs like mint after fermentation, before botteling. But then I would have the leafs in by bottles, right? Or do I have to take them out after some time? What about putting the mint into my fresh tea before fermentation? Doesn't it harm the SCOBY?
I have just brought a cider making kit for beginners as I want to get back into home brewing. My question is can I add additional flavouring to the cider, when to add it and if possible any great flavours that you have tried? Thanks
I plan on brewing a wheat beer next and I would like to add in natural flavoring. I have never used flavorings in any previous brews and I have seen some mixed opinions about which stage of fermentation to add the flavoring into. Some sources recommend secondary and others say first, still even some say I should just mix it in with the wort. I want to know if one really has more effectiveness than the other. Which would yield …
I recently took up home brewing as a hobby and brewed my first (small) batch of ale. It was a simple recipe- boil a litre of water with a LOT of sugar and some lemon juice let it cool pitch in the yeast wait for a couple weeks bottle and wait a couple of days. The resulting brew was strong- it literally knocked me out but boy was it foul tasting. I've read about a 'cardboard like taste' being imparted …
I recently made a 5 gallon All Grain Porter and added 13oz of Choc. PB2 at the last 10 minutes of the boil. Though the flavors were there it was extremely light and would like to get more of a PB taste. Would it be smarter to add it as a whirlpool or perhaps as a vodka extract in the secondary? Any help would be great.
I mistakenly added 5 oz of Chocolate Extract at the beginning of secondary instead of the day before bottling. Still smells ok, when I did some quick checks, but wondering if anyone else has made this mistake and what the results were. This is a Chocolate Milk Stout. Thanks.
I know about spruce, and pine is a really close relative, so it seems legit to me. I was planning to use the brown part in the picture, which has a really nice smell. I would like some advices: Can I use it with no health risk? When to put it in boil? I read a recipe suggesting to boil it 60 minutes, what bout boiling it for 15 or 30 minutes?
What are some of the weirder (successful) flavourings you have tried in your beers, and at what point would you normally add these extras? It occurred to me the other day that basil or even rocket (arugula?) might be interesting in small amounts, but I wouldn't know at which stage to throw them in, or even what constitutes a "small" amount.