What do you do about high cider FG?

I went ahead and tried one of Mangrove Jack's cider kits — the raspberry and mango one if anyone is interested. Shoved the fermentation bucket into the garage, and checked in after a couple of weeks. I noticed quite a bit of the infamous rhino farts, which was unpleasant, and the SG was around 1.011. Realising that the temperatures were probably a bit low (nothing too extreme, around 17–18 degrees Celsius) for the yeast at this point, I moved it …
Category: Mac

Adding cherry extract at bottling time?

I have made Cherry ale around Christmas for several years. This year I forgot to add the cherry extract at the 2nd fermentation, so I added it when I added the sugar prior to bottling. Will this affect the taste? could it have effect on carbonation? My beer this year is flat and has an aftertaste that I don't like.
Category: Mac

Is this a reasonable Frambozen tactic?

I am considering making a frambozen for my next brew, as it should be a crowd-pleaser. My plan for the raspberries is as follows: Blanch raspberries Pulp Raspberries (in a blender probably) Separate (in water) the sucrose, reduce Put pulp in an infuser The bagged pulp and sugars I would then drop in to a brew after the first week or so. I am trying to imagine how you might do this without too much transferring of materials (and I …
Category: Mac


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