I want to add fruit juice into my primary fermenter, but preferably want to do this with minimal splashing. Does anyone have any good technique or tips for this?
I went ahead and tried one of Mangrove Jack's cider kits — the raspberry and mango one if anyone is interested. Shoved the fermentation bucket into the garage, and checked in after a couple of weeks. I noticed quite a bit of the infamous rhino farts, which was unpleasant, and the SG was around 1.011. Realising that the temperatures were probably a bit low (nothing too extreme, around 17–18 degrees Celsius) for the yeast at this point, I moved it …
When fermenting with Mr Beer plastic Keg or upright Carboy, and I want to add a fruit flavor. Is the best way to add the flavor to add actual fruit or use the essence of the fruit that I want to use. Any help is very much appreciated.
So, I've added my grapefruit potion along with my hops in the secondary fermenter. Will it need to stay in the secondary fermenter longer because of the added alcohol / ingredients?
I have made Cherry ale around Christmas for several years. This year I forgot to add the cherry extract at the 2nd fermentation, so I added it when I added the sugar prior to bottling. Will this affect the taste? could it have effect on carbonation? My beer this year is flat and has an aftertaste that I don't like.
I am considering making a frambozen for my next brew, as it should be a crowd-pleaser. My plan for the raspberries is as follows: Blanch raspberries Pulp Raspberries (in a blender probably) Separate (in water) the sucrose, reduce Put pulp in an infuser The bagged pulp and sugars I would then drop in to a brew after the first week or so. I am trying to imagine how you might do this without too much transferring of materials (and I …