When I haven't setup any Open Graph Meta Tags, how the Discord picks the author name (admin) and the author url from a post? I have spent several hours to find this and nothing found. I inspected the code of the post and there is nothing about the author data in the source code. Only one place found is in feed. But I don't think that the Discord is picking this from feed. Anyone have an idea about th
I am using Yoast plugin and have set the Open graph metadata, but the thumbnail image is wrong. I have set the same image in these places: Page editor > Social > Facebook image SEO > Search appearance > General > Organization logo SEO > Social > Facebook > default image The tag og:image is the correct image in the page source. I have checked the image with facebook debug tool and it shows the right image. I have refreshed …
So, I started to experiment with a GraphQL plugin for WP, and was wondering how it'd work with Pods. I came across a question on that plugin's GitHub that's pretty much the same thought I had. The maintainers supplied an answer: Each Custom Post Type and Custom Taxonomy you want to add to the Schema should have the following fields set: show_in_graphql (bool) graphql_single_name (string) graphql_plural_name (string) I think I know how to do it with directly creating a custom …
I would want to retrieve an image of an external link in the content of a post, as to feature it as a thumbnail, sort of how a Facebook status or other similar things would look. I guess that an Open Graph image is enough. There's already functions to capture the first link out of the content of a post (like one bundled on a core WP theme) or I could use a custom field just for it, but not …
I'm using the following code to set my Open Graph meta data in functions.php It works great for selecting the featured image, however I would like to set it to use the product gallery image instead (which is better for social media marketing). Here's a screen grab to be more specific: https://snipboard.io/buvHfk.jpg How can I modify the code below to target the 1st WooCommerce gallery image? I could not find anything on this. function insert_fb_in_head() { global $post; if ( …
The issue: I had problem with my links social preview on WhatsApp and Telegram. The social preview appears on desktop and other platforms, also the Facebook debugging tool shows complete information, but it didn't show anything on WhatsApp and Telegram on phone. I did research and tested different stuff and finally found out that WhatsApp and Telegram don't like it when there is a lot of code before them in the <head>. I brought them closer, and it almost worked, …
I am using wp subtitle plugin for headings in my Local language, and default wordpress title as English headings. I need the plugin generated subtitle as title of shared article on facebook. get_the_subtitle(); above code is the plugin specific function to call sub headings. I use code shown below (in function.php) as Facebook Open Graph Meta Data to achieve My goal. echo '<meta property="og:title" content="' . get_the_subtitle() . '"/>'; but only I get default wordpress title as og:title content. Here …
I'm trying to manually fill the Open Graph tags and I'm having some troubles in setting the content for the og:image tag. In a single post page, I set it this way: <?php $thumbnailSrc = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID), 'medium'); $image = esc_attr($thumbnailSrc[0]); ?> <meta property="og:image" content="<?php echo $image ?>"> The result is this: <meta property="og:image" content="/wp-content/uploads/image.jpg"> On the Open Graph debugger I then get this error: Object at URL 'http://website.com' of type 'article' is invalid because the given value '/wp-content/uploads/image.jpg' for property …
When you create a post of any type (either post or page or custom taxonomy) it gets a permalink that visitors can click on and visit. http://example.com/my_first_blog_post_permalink/ However, if you Publish the post, BUT make the publish date in the future, the post is shown as 'Scheduled' in the Admin and the permalink shows like so: http://example.com/?p=2848 And then also, when I try to share the post on Facebook, it does not share properly (ie. the preview text and image …
How do I add Facebook OpenGraph tags in the header when the header has already been called, and the values I need to add are obtained in the body? This is a highly customized theme (which I did not create). Here is the image.php file which contains the attachment page for an image: <div class="posted-att"> <?php echo wp_get_attachment_image($attachment_id,'large'); I don't know where $attachment_id is set. It's not set in image.php. It's set in several places in wp-admin and wp-includes but …
The Yoast SEO plugin add this line to the head section of the page: <meta property="og:image" content="https://link.to.image.jpg" /> But according to FB OpenGraph og:image not pulling images (possibly https?), the line should be: <meta property="og:image" content="http://link.to.image.jpg"/> How can I locate this line to correct it?
I follow the tutorial in How to Add Facebook Open Graph Meta Data in WordPress Themes and add some echo code in functions.php both in the main theme and child theme. However, when I check the source code of an individual page, the tags don't show up. Why is that? The script is below: //Adding the Open Graph in the Language Attributes function add_opengraph_doctype( $output ) { return $output . ' xmlns:og="http://opengraphprotocol.org/schema/" xmlns:fb="http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml"'; } add_filter('language_attributes', 'add_opengraph_doctype'); //Lets add Open Graph …
Through the Yoast SEO plugin, I've added a 1200 by 630 image for use by sites like Facebook and LinkedIn (and the image shows up with a complete set of og meta tags). I want to add a second open graph image (a square one) for use by WhatsApp (WhatsApp selects the last image and crops it to a 1 by 1.3 portrait aspect ratio and then displays it at 80 by 104 pixels, which doesn't work well with the …
I had created a Wordpress news website. There are many sharing options implemented! I added WhatsApp and send the URL to WhatsApp and share to WhatsApp! The issue is, initially the post image is shown when I share the link in WhatsApp. But now the image is not showing while I share the link in WhatsApp! There are no issues while sharing on facebook! When I inspect the page source WordPress automatically gives og:image as the post feature image! But …
I have code in my page header which properly creates the Open Graph tags for pages, posts, etc. However, when I attempt to Share an attachment post from the Media Library (not the actual attachment image, but rather the URI), the FB Object Debugger complains "Error parsing input URL, no data was cached, or no data was scraped." I've examined the header on generated pages and they appear identical to other Pages, Posts and other Custom Post types. We were …
I am trying to set the Featured image as the og:image I have tried various ways and plugins (Yoast) but finding it hard to get my head around this. The issue is that it isn't picking up the feature image at all instead it is picking up the images in the content. This is my current pages code for the single blog post. This is the part which i need to be able to get when sharing the blog post …
I'm trying to create a new og:image for author avatar when the users sharing their author profile page to Facebook. I'm a newbie with WordPress, After searching for more than 6 months but i'm always failing. My site is multi-authors and all what i need to add og:image meta tag for author.php "author profile", I'm stuck and I really get tired from searching. When our users trying to share his profile..the avatar image not coming up! because Facebook can't find …
I have code in my page header which properly creates the Open Graph tags for pages, posts, etc. However, when I attempt to Share an attachment post from the Media Library (not the actual attachment image, but rather the URI) no Open Graph tags get shared. Is this possible to do? If so, how? Eg. the WordPress URL is http://example.com/part-150-study/ Which properly redirects (301) to http://example.com/wp-content/uploads/part-150-study.pdf When I use the Facebook OG Object Debugger, it shows a response code of …
I try to share posts from my website. The thing is the famous question mark diamond shows up on some of the posts description. All the OG Meta looks good (using Yoast SEO), it's 'just' the text on the share post itself that has this � sign. I understand it's probably due to some file not encoded in utf-8. I've added default_charset = UTF-8 to my .ini file but no change. The content-type is also properly set to utf-8 I've …
I am trying to find some information about how to render/display Open Graph Meta Tags on my Wordpress page. What i found there is a lot of data how to set up this for social media, ADD Open graph meta tags, but nothing how to read and display in Wordpress. What i want to do is to render/display news/article and display in the same way as twitter card but on my Wordpress page. example. i have link - http://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-us-canada-42589965/explosion-as-two-planes-collide-in-toronto-pearson WP …