Can I do in-page changes binding events/triggers to actions in WordPress?

I've been coder for decades but I need to setup some microsites super-fast. I chose WordPress as the platform and I'm complete newbie to WordPress. The behaviour I need I know can do it programming. But the question is if this can be done "zero-code" in WordPress: Question Can I bind in-page "triggers" to "actions" natively in WordPress? Examples Whenever a user scrolls more than 80%, a new button is added. Whenever a user watches an embedded video hosted in …
Category: Web

How to set category correctly for a custom post created by a remote API call?

I'm using a plugin - "cleverness-to-do-list" ( ). I'm aware that the plugin is closed, but I've updated it at my end and gotten it working with my self-hosted Wordpress edition (version 6). I'm trying to create a setup where a remote server calls a webpage on my server and POSTs some data. That custom PHP webpage is configured to create a new ToDo item (which is placed in the posts table). It does that fine except for setting the …
Category: Web

How to make my wordpress site Multi-region

I have a website that I want to make multi-region. In this case I want some pages of the website to be different on each region, also the menu should be different. For example. I want a website that will be available in Colombia, Mexico and Costa Rica. I want that when you enter the URL: it shows you the Colombian version of the homepage, the menu for the colombian site and even somepages can be the same, let's …
Category: Web

Wordpress WooCommerce programmatically set EU VAT when creating an order in PHP

I am really struggling and I really hope that you can help me with this questions. So the question I am struggling with is: How can I add the EU VAT with a checkmark in the order? Currently I only get a big red cross in the EU VAT column in the wordpress dashboard. What am I missing? Screenshot of the order with a big red cross (Check the fifth column) The code I made an endpoint in PHP …
Category: Web

Prevent reload page after add to cart submission

I'm working on custom woocommerce theme, using my own code. I need to add products to the cart without page refresh. I'm using the code below, It's working correctly but when I add product the shop page reload. Could someone help me how can I develop this. <?php $product = get_product(get_the_ID());?> <a href="<?= $product->add_to_cart_url(); ?>" title="Add to cart" class="addToCart"></a>
Category: Web

WordPress Export table as csv using Ajax

Hello guys i'm trying to export my plugin table in the same page, i tried to do hidden iframe but it's still not works, can you kindly check my code please? thanks. PHP: add_action( "wp_ajax_export_plugin", "export_plugin" ); //update_records is action add_action( "wp_ajax_nopriv_export_plugin", "export_plugin" ); function export_plugin(){ global $wpdb; $wpdb->show_errors = TRUE; $wpdb->suppress_errors = FALSE; $plugin_name = $_POST['plugin-name']; // PLUGIN NAME $plugin_export_type = $_POST['export-type']; // PLUGIN EXPORT TYPE as CVS/SQL/XML $plugin_name; // ?? not defined in original code $results = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT …
Category: Web

AddToAny shortcode in the loop

I try to add addtoany shortcode in my custom loop page but the shared link stays always the same for each posts in the loop. <?php global $post; echo do_shortcode('[addtoany url="' . the_permalink() . '" title="' . the_title() . '"]') ?> I also tried with get_permalink(), get_permalink($post->ID), get_the_permalink()... but nothing works. It should work like this, according the official documentation. I don't understand why :/ EDIT Here is the full function: <?php add_filter( 'generate_do_template_part', function( $do ) { if ( …
Category: Web

Co-author plus question about event

I am unable to find an answer to this so I'm trying my luck here. Is there a way to get the coauthor the moment it's added as a coauthor? I want to trigger an event exactly when the author gets added.
Category: Web

How to get authors who have added the post in the specific custom post type

I have a custom post called event and I have to show all the authors who have added the post. I have tried the below code but I am getting all the users on the page. For example. There are 4 users called A, B, C, and D on the website and A and B added the post. Now I have to get only A and B users but below code getting all the users like A,B,C,D Any idea how …
Category: Web

from website from scratch to wordpress

I am not a full time website developer although i've developed some websites from scratch with HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript/jQuery etc usually for websites that have very specific purposes (e.g. custom calculators for business to find profit, margins, etc). For very simple websites I've used Wix. Now I'll start working on more complex but usual projects like e-shops, hotel pages etc. and I'm thinking to move to wordpress and woocommerce for e-shop pages, as it has many stuff that i'll …
Category: Web

Display alt text as tool tip on page

I'm using the Background Manager Wordpress plugin ( and I'm trying to display a custom element on the page that I have not been able to find any help on as of yet, including with their forums. The plugin outputs a full-screen background, which includes alt text, and I'm wondering if there's a way I can display the alt text on the page in a DIV? The code that displays on the page currently is: <!-- Background Manager Start --> …
Category: Web

Modifying Chart Legend WPBakery

This is a WORPRESS plugin issue. Can someone who is familiar with the WPBakery Plugin/Page Builder on Wordpress please show me how to change the position of the legend on my donut chart? Before it would be on the right side of the chart and with circles, not rectangles. Now it is on top of the chart and it is pushing the chart and the content downward on the page (images below). Again this IS a Wordpress Plugin issue. Thank …
Category: Web

How to change "Read More" text?

I'm using blogstart wordpress theme and I would like to change "Read more" text to something similar to language than I'm using. How can I do that? I already tried to paste code below to functions.php. Replaces the excerpt "Read More" text by a link function modify_read_more_link() { return '<a class="read-article" href="' . get_permalink() . '">Your Read More Link Text</a>'; } add_filter( 'the_content_more_link', 'modify_read_more_link' ); // Replaces the excerpt "Read More" text by a link function new_excerpt_more($more) { global $post; …
Category: Web

Wordpress cron job running more than once

I developed a plugin to read some XML files and publish their itens as post but for some reason, sometimes, it is duplicating posts. Basically that is what I have: // function one is scheduled (hourly) and unscheduled on plugin activation and deactivation hooks register_activation_hook(__FILE__, 'function_one_activation'); register_deactivation_hook(__FILE__, 'function_one_deactivate'); function function_one_activation() { if (!wp_next_scheduled('function_one_cron')) { wp_schedule_event(time(), 'hourly', 'function_one_cron'); } } function function_one_deactivate() { $timestamp = wp_next_scheduled('function_one_cron'); wp_unschedule_event($timestamp, 'function_one_cron'); } add_action('function_one_cron', 'one'); add_action('function_two_cron', 'two'); add_action('function_three_cron', 'three'); function one() { // download XML …
Category: Web

Apostrophes replaced by '

I use a plugin for automatic posting of articles on social networks, and when I send an article on Facebook or Twitter from my website, the apostrophes of my articles are replaced by this: ' It is possible that the problem comes from the theme, but I am not sure. I tried to do a "search and replace" to replace this code with an apostrophe using a "regex" but it does not work at all
Category: Web

custom taxonomy and custom post type url conflict

i am having one serious url issue. there is news custom post type. it's slug is news. News taxonomy slug: news_category News taxonomy url is: i want to change the url of the news_category to news news . so url of news taxonomy would be: i tried to rewrite the slug news_category to news but that's creating conflict issue. news shows news url but all the posts of news post type are returning 404 not found News post's …
Category: Web

Problem with Author page redirect

When trying to access the author's page (i.e. I am redirected to Woocommerce's shop page, however, if john is an admin, then I am redirected to author.php page correctly... any ideas why?
Category: Web

Using a function to change favorites listing

Sorry - total newbie here with Wordpress development. I have the following plugin installed and it allows you to change the default output of the users favorites by using the following function: /** * Customize the Favorites Listing HTML */ add_filter( 'favorites/list/listing/html', 'custom_favorites_listing_html', 10, 4 ); function custom_favorites_listing_html($html, $markup_template, $post_id, $list_options) { return $html; } I just don't know how to use this. What I would like is for the output to match that of the default woocommerce product …
Category: Web


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