Data privacy breach example (data anonymisation)

I remember that I read a story where journalists were able to figure out the health records of some individual (I think it was some senator, but not sure) by using different data sets. That was an example showing that data anonymization is not sufficient for data privacy. However, I can't find this story on the Internet. Did anyone come across this story? Update: I found it.
Category: Data Science

The Israeli MOH databases on Covid patient numbers have a lower cutoff value on published numbers of patients. How does this protect privacy?

The Israeli ministry of health reports many statistics on Covid patients (Numbers of confirmed cases, hospitalizations, people in quarantine - Divided by age and other demographics) available here (Albeit only in Hebrew) In any category, numbers below 15 are reported as <15 (see e.g. this table, with statistics on medical personnel cases). Someone told me this was for privacy protection reasons, but I don't understand why. Does this make sense? How is privacy compromised if exact low numbers are published?
Topic: privacy
Category: Data Science

How to change Akismet commenter privacy notice?

I read the supposed explanation posted on their blog, and came away unenlightened. The following site-specific plugin does nothing (I have enabled it): <?php /* Plugin Name: Akismet Better Privacy Notice Description: Inform users about what's actually happening with their data */ apply_filters( 'akismet_comment_form_privacy_notice_markup', '<p class="akismet_comment_form_privacy_notice">' . 'Warning: This site uses Akismet to filter spam.' . ' Until or unless I can find a suitable replacement anti-spam solution, this means that' . ' (per their <a href="%s" target="_blank">indemnification document</a>)' . …
Category: Web

How can I create a private site that is inaccessible from the outside?

I need a safe place where I can store data about projects that I am working on. This data includes text and files (pictures, sound and video). I want to create a private "blog" for this purpouse that is accessible only by myself. The reason behind this is that I can access the data from anywhere, the solution is platform independent, searching the data should be easy using the Wordpress search bar and metadata can be added to all the …
Category: Web

How to write custom de-identification algorithm in Python?

I have tried a simple algorithm to anonymize my data using the de-identification technique. But the code doesn't work for me. I want to anonymize the data by slightly changing the values. The data sample is available here import pandas as pd import uuid as u import datetime as dt # generate a pseudo-identifier sequesnce using python random number generator library uudi. def uudi_generator(length): uudi_list= list() i=0 while i < length: uudi_list.append(u.uuid4()) i+=1 return uudi_list #import original originaL dataset dataset …
Category: Data Science

Privacy Aggregation of Teacher Ensembles - Object detection

Does anyone know how PATE(Privacy Aggregation of Teacher Emsembles) can be applied to object detection? This becomes quite complex since we're dealing with possibly multiple objects detected in the same image and we need to aggregate those multiple labels predicted by the teacher models. Could someone help me understand how PATE can be applied in object detection?
Category: Data Science

What are the best practices to achieve cross-domain interoperability and transparency in aggregate data through a uniform, hashed user naming schema?

The following plugin was just presented at the special session on data provenance to amend NSA's hard problems during the Hot Topics on Science of Security (HoTSoS) symposium. I'm looking for peer review regarding best practices prior to submission to the WordPress repository. It's fairly self-explanatory and a surprisingly simple way to achieve cross domain interoperability through the hashing of usernames. Other open source networks persist around this concept but Wordpress is a much larger medium with a potential for …
Category: Web

I am unable to login into my wp-admin

before happening this error i go to the general setting and on the place of HTTP i did HTTPS by mistake. but now i am unable to login into my wp-admin panel Whenever i type the privacy error comes: Your connection is not private Attackers might be trying to steal your information from (for example, passwords, messages, or credit cards). Learn more NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID Automatically send some system information and page content to Google to help detect dangerous apps …
Category: Web

What is the best way for synthetic data generation while maintaining privacy?

For one of the projects where we are working as third party contractors, we need a way for the company to share some datasets which can be used for data science. It is not possible for the company to share the real data as that would be a privacy issue. We are exploring ways so that the company can either share the data while maintaining privacy or else ways to generate fake data that matches the statistics/demographics of the actual …
Category: Data Science

How to allow editor to edit privacy page / settings only?

In my WordPress installation (4.9.8.) the editor role isn't allowed to edit the privacy page. It would work with following in my functions.php: $role_object = get_role( 'editor' ); $role_object->add_cap( 'manage_privacy_options', true ); $role_object->add_cap( 'manage_options' ); // this needs to be active in order that before cap works But now the editor has lot more rights than just editing the privacy page. Is there another way to grant access to the editor user role with some lines of PHP code? As …
Category: Web

How to change WordPress cookies to be session-only

I don't want my WP site to set any persistent cookies. Session cookies while I'm logged in are all I want to allow. I don't want to have to ask visitors for consent, so I need to be sure that none are set. Unfortunately WP makes this difficult. I see that the wp_generate_auth_cookie function requires an expiry timestamp, so it's not capable of setting a session-only cookie. Amongst the cookies that are set by WP, one is curious. wordpress_test_cookie is …
Category: Web

How to add a privacy-checkbox in comment-template?

i need to add a privacy-checkbox to the file comment-template.php. I created the checkbox and a paragraph and it looks fine, so far. <input type="checkbox" name="privacy" value="privacy-key" class="privacyBox" aria-req="true"><p class="pprivacy">Hiermit akzeptiere ich die <a target="blank" href="">Datenschutzbedingungen</a><p> Now, i want to connect this checkbox with the submit-button, so that a user HAS to accept the privacy to comment on a post. Anyone with a clue how to do that? Or it there a plugin, which delivers this services?
Category: Web

DBMS or Software for privacy sensitive data

We have a dataset of very privacy sensitive people data and want to build a database with it. The data protection department in our company doesn't like the idea that the data scientists are able to see any data specific to a person (even if anonymized). We can't preaggregate the data in the database because there are hundreds of different possible aggregations that could be interesting. Is there a software or DBMS that could ensure that users can only query …
Category: Data Science

Hiding user data from developers

We have an online store with a reasonable amount of subscribers. We are thinking about creating development and staging environments for the new features/changes. Since these new environments will be created using a copy from the Production environment they'll contain user data, and we don't want that information to be available to the developers. What is the best way to go about it? Below are the plugins that are used by the store that may have store user information. WooCommerce …
Category: Web

How can I block embeds and show an individual preview image per block?

I am trying to program an embed blocker for the default Gutenberg embeds with a prior consent banner and preview image (for matters of privacy). In detail: block YouTube videos that are embedded via the Embed-Block (core/embed) replace them with a custom HTML banner including individual preview image per embed/block after consent show the embed as normal So far I got a very good foundation with Borlabs Cookie plugin, that has some content blockers integrated from the start. For the …
Category: Web

How to make my plugin GDPR compatible?

I have a plugin hosted on The plugin consists of an inquiry form to be submitted by the visitors on the front-end. I have followed the 4.9.6 update regarding GDPR. I have also added exporter and eraser in my plugin. Is there something I need to add more in my plugin? Is there something I have to added in my inquiry form to make it GDPR compatible?
Category: Web

YouTube oEmbed and privacy-enhanced mode

When you´re embed a youtube video in an iframe, you can enable the privacy-enhanced mode, so YouTube doesn´t store information about your web page visitors until they play the video. I've tried to embed a video via oEmbed and the URL but it didn't work. Is there a chance to implement a privacy-friendly solution with oEmbed? EDIT I found this proposal and tried to customize it and it seems to work, but there is one thing that is not …
Category: Web

No option to allow search engines to index my site in WP 4.3

I have launched a new company website, when I was setting up the wordpress install locally I believe I clicked 'do not allow search engines to index this site' despite only developing offline. Now I have taken it all online, and updated to 4.3 there is not option to allow indexing, anywhere in the settings page. There is only a radio button to 'discourage', but nothing to positively allow indexing. Im pretty miffed about this, and now I'm worrying that …
Category: Web

Un-learning a single training example from a trained model

I was going through the paper "The ML Test Score: A Rubric for ML Production Readiness and Technical Debt Reduction" by google on which suggests best practices for models in production. In a section about privacy controls in the data pipeline it says: Finally, test that any user-requested data deletion propagates to the data in the ML training pipeline, and to any learned models. I understand about the data deletion from the data pipeline but is it even possible to …
Category: Data Science

Is it possible to use a generative model to "share" private data?

Let's say we have some data set, with lots of instances $X$ and a target $y$. If it is of some importance, you may assume that it is a "real life" data set : medium sized, with important correlations, y is unbalanced...etc. Let's also say this data set is of relative interest : the field of research is rather active, but there is no (or only a few) available data set. So we are considering publishing our data set. However, …
Category: Data Science


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