I'm a first time homebrewer and I made the schoolboy error of using my old Peroni beer bottles and caps. The caps haven't really taken well (I assume they're a one-time-only seal) and I've ordered new caps online. I bottled the beer late on Saturday with carbonation drops. The new caps will come Wednesday-friday,so potentially 6 days after original bottling. I'm sure the bottles will be leaking CO2 until then and when I open them to replace the caps they'll …
I have noticed that after I open many of my beers, my caps still look perfectly intact. I.e not fractures stresses and are relatively clean still. It seems like such a waist to just chuck it. Does anyone out there re-use theirs, and or what would be a good reason not to re-use caps? I know the are cheap. But is that really the only reason to use new ones?
Can ring crown (pull off) bottless such as these: be recapped using a table top or bench bottle capper? EDIT: Just to be clear, I mean capping the bottle with regular caps like these, not not pull off caps. EDIT2: I finally bought a capper and tried this. It worked!
I brewed a high gravity american double (stout), fermentation went well and I gave it enough time to presumably take care of most of the fermentable sugar. Then I added 2 lbs of pureed strawberries and blueberries for every gallon, gave it another week or so and bottled. When I bottle conditioned, (I believe) the added fruit messed up my carb calculation and the beer was super over-carbonated (side questions: has this ever happened to you? can added fruit do …
My brew kit came with 750mL plastic (PET) bottles & screw-on caps, which I've used. The "safety seals" are broken, but I thought they were more an indicator of product tampering than a functional device. Am I able to re-use the plastic caps in future brews if I sanitise properly?
What are the steps involved in recapping a bottle of beer for any reason (e.g. if too much priming sugar is added, if a cap appears to be defective or failing, etc)?
Possible Duplicate: recapping my bottles? Will it ruin the outcome of my beer? I was wondering if my beer will end up flat no carbonation because i ended up recapping the whole batch. I recapped the batch after i didnt have enough in the bottles. So i poured more in two days after bottling to top them off so i wouldnt have any explode on me.. The main thing that im worried about is that they will not carbonate now?