Gravity loss after settling?

Just made my second batch using an Anvil Foundry all-in-one brewing system. I used an immersion chiller to bring the wort down, but could only get it down to 82F (groundwater in Texas in August... whatya gonna do?). I didn't want to pitch my yeast at >80F, so I decided to seal it up and leave it overnight to cool to room temperature. This morning, I decided to use the pump that came with the Anvil to pump the wort …
Category: Mac

gravity rising, no airlock activity

fermenting a bochet, I dropped a bluetooth hydrometer in the must and started with a gravity reading of 1.128. Pitched lalvin EC-1118, and over a day the gravity has gone up to 1.144. I've heard that if your yeast is active enough, it can physically push your hydrometer up, and throw your reading off. However, would that not mean that I should have some visible airlock activity? I'm also quite sure my airlock is working properly - the fermenter is …
Category: Mac

Does it matter whether SG sample is from top or bottom of vessel?

I have a wine that appears to have reached 0.992 SG (so in theory should be ready to bottle), but am concerned that my SG reading could be an underestimate because I took the sample from near the top of the carboy. When moving the vessel to prepare for filtering, bubbles emerged from the airlock. When measuring the SG of wine, a wine thief only reaches an inch or so below the liquid surface. Since a dense liquid (higher SG) …
Category: Mac

What is the relationship between specific gravity and boiling point?

I know that adding sugar increases the boiling point of water, but by how much? Searched the web and can't find an answer. Reason for asking is that a food grade Nylon 66 component I'm considering using in a BK is rated up to 110°C. Initially I thought that would give an adequate safety margin, but now wondering how hot sweet wort might get. I tend not to go bigger than SG 1.100. If it helps, assume the BK is …
Category: Mac

What is the "gravity correction factor" for IBU formulation and why do we apply it at 1.050?

The formula I've consistently found for calculating the IBU for a particular hop is: IBU = Weight (ounces) x Alpha Acid % x Utilization % x 7489 ----------------------------------------------------- Volume However I've read in several places that, for OGs north of 1.050, there is a so-called gravity correction factor that gets applied to that equation, and I am looking for clarity on it. What is this gravity correction factor, how does it impact the above equation, and why is it needed? …
Category: Mac

Seeking formula for adding sugar dissolved in water to produce specific gravity

I have seen several tables, notably: But they all differ slightly. I'd like to test my hydrometer and refractometer with known gravities by adding sugar to a known volume of water (say 1 gallon for example) and taking measurements (like with no sugar, then the correct amount for 1.010/2.5Brix, etc), then increase the sugar and continue taking measurements, just to verify the readings. However, I can't seem to find where they are getting the numbers from for …
Category: Mac

Sugar in water effect on specific gravity?

Is there an equation or relation to describe how much sugar is to be added to water to obtain a liquid with a specific gravity? In This question, for example, it is mentioned that "1 lb in 1 gallon is 1.046" - but is there a known scale? Or is extrapolating from this the only way? Bonus points for metric units, double points for referenced answer!
Category: Mac

Activity in fermenter has increased suddenly after 2 weeks, why?

I'm a total beginner and really appreciative of any advice here. I'm making a 1 gallon batch of IPA from a kit. I brewed 16 days ago, and in the first 48 hours of the wort being in the fermenter it was bubbling away like crazy. It then settled down and I could see the liquid become less opaque and darker, as the yeast cake formed at the bottom. Today I went to look again as I had planned to …
Category: Mac

High final Brix reading, 1.00 SG

I recently received a refractometer and tried it out on a batch of mead that has been in secondary for about 3 months. I took a reading of some distilled water, both read 1.00. I then dissolved 30g of sugar into 250ml of water and took a reading; both showed around 1.045. However, when I measure my mead, I get pretty much exactly 1.00 on the hydrometer but 10 brix (1.040 sg) on the refractometer. Interestingly, the mead tastes quite …
Category: Mac

Why are these refractometer scales so far off?

I've been using This picture from of a refractometer (Looks like the same refractometer as mine) scale to go back-and-forth between my brew notes (at the computer) when doing ABV calculations. I sometimes record the SG reading during the brew because I'll have the target OG of the recipe in mind and just not "thinking" in Brix. Today, I noticed the scale at beersmith and the one in my refractometer (pic below) are not the same! Shouldn't both just …
Category: Mac

Typical first-day change in specific gravity

I recently started my first BIAB all-grain brew, but unfortunately my hydrometer broke before I could get an OG reading. I was targeting around a 1.065. Just around 24 hours later I took a reading and got a 1.030. I also accidentally overpitched the yeast somewhat significantly (~1/3 packet of Safale US-05 for a 1 gallon brew). I understand there's really no way to know for sure what the OG was, but I'm interested in knowing by roughly how much …
Category: Mac

Beer fermentation runs real warm and dropped gravity real fast

I started a fermentation 24 hours ago and it has increased the temperature from 22°C to 28°C in the last 8 hours. Additionally the gravity dropped from 1.060 to 1.024 already which seems insanely fast for a brew that is supposed to end at 1.017. I'm using a Fermzilla with pressure kit and put the insulation jacket on immediately, I guess that's where the temperature rise came from? Is this gravity drop normal? It seems insanely fast to me.
Category: Mac

Impact of different gravities for the same ABV

We can have the same ABV with diferents gravities. My reading for watermelon wine is: 1.064 0.997 =8.79% However I found some recipes with readings like this to the same type of wine. 1.090 1.023 =8.79% So I would like to understand the influence in the final product of starting with an higer vs lower gravity. I know the first example will be more dry than the second. What can we conclude more from the readings above?
Category: Mac

How to know if kombucha is alcoholic?

So I am into making kombucha at home: I made a SCOBY, grew it, and I have successful kombuchas. My normal recipe makes a "ginger kombucha", pretty much kombucha with sugar and ginger. It disappears after around a week. However, I decided to make a plain batch: kombucha and just kombucha. It's been in the fridge since the first of February, getting drunk every now and then. I tasted it today (~45 days) and it smells / tastes slightly reminiscent …
Category: Mac

How to approximate when half the sugar has been fermented

The EC-1118 datasheet suggests a procedure wherein you pitch the full amount of yeast in 10% of the total volume of your liquid, and let it ferment until approximately half the sugar is used up, and then adding this to the rest of your liquid. While this specific procedure may not be necessary for me, I’m confused on how to do the measurements. How do you calculate when half the sugar has been used up? Measure the brix with a …
Category: Mac


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