I just recently updated my Wordpress, theme, and plugins, and am now getting these two errors on top of the homepage and pages page. Deprecated: wp_make_content_images_responsive is deprecated since version 5.5.0! Use wp_filter_content_tags() instead. in /var/www/html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 4773 and the pages page, Notice: register_rest_route was called incorrectly. The REST API route definition for pum/v1/analytics is missing the required permission_callback argument. For REST API routes that are intended to be public, use __return_true as the permission callback. Please see Debugging …
I have a critical website which is under version control. When I update the core WordPress files I do so locally, then commit the changes. When I do that the live site (obviously) does not even display a maintenance notice, it simply errors out for a few minutes as the core files are deployed, and presumably are either read part way through, or are temporarily incompatible one to the other. I could update from the live admin, and then deploy, …
We generally keep our custom theme in non-auto-update mode and one core WP theme in auto-update mode as an emergency backup as our only 2 themes in the wp-content/themes directory. If we had twentytwenty installed when we launched the site in 2020, that's sufficient for our purposes - we don't need twentytwentyone and twentytwentytwo, etc. It's annoying to have to delete these manually after WP updates add them. Is there any way to block that from happening?
I have uploaded my WordPress website in cPanel. My plugins and all were working well until after a few months I logged in to update my website and its plugins. Now I can't install, remove, or modify plugins and my current WordPress account is in recovery mode. Please suggest some suggestion.
I have a problem - when I click on "Wordpress update", I receive this message: Downloading update from https://downloads.wordpress.org/release/wordpress-5.1-new-bundled.zip… Unpacking the update… The update cannot be installed because we will be unable to copy some files. This is usually due to inconsistent file permissions.: wp-admin/includes/update-core.php Installation Failed I changed permissions: WP-admin and WP-includes to 755 WP-content to 777 All files in WP-admin are 755. What can be the problem? I am trying to solve it, but I can't do it.
I've a problem with my WordPress website getting updated after I make changes to its code: I'm using phpStorm with auto-save, running the website on WAMP, locally. Therefore, right after I right new code, the file in which I write the code in should be updated, and the website quickly after that. Yet the website doesn't update. I'm not using any cache plugins, and in my browser, Chrome, I disabled caching. Also, it does get updated, but only after I …
I wrote a own theme and I dont wanna deploy it by myself. The customer should do that himself. I found this solution for plugins. But it doesn't work for themes. Is there an alternative to add_filter( 'update_plugins_(hostname) for themes?
I am testing plugin upgrades on a staging instance before applying them to production. But if there are any delays in this process, I may end up being prompted to upgrade to a newer, untested version on production. If prompted to upgrade a plugin, how can I choose an intermediary update, rather than the latest?
I have been searching for hours trying to find a way to test the update process for my plugin before tagging a new release in the repo. I have a function that is called using add_action( 'upgrader_process_complete', 'my_plugin_upgrade_function', 10, 2); and I can't figure out how to test this prior to release. Any help would be awesome!
Maybe my question is very particular and limited to Newspaper theme users. I’m using child theme with an update server. It works fine. I’m wondering if I can change this update message and actions just for the child theme: Wanna do this because when I hit the Update button it actually updates the parent theme instead. I don't know if this can actually be changed from child theme or custom plugins. This message only appears under /wp-admin/themes.php I’ve tried coding …
I am running WordPress on Ubuntu with Apache and MySQL. I would like to automatically install minor and security updates to WordPress. However, as I understand it, the standard auto-update mechanism (see also How exactly do automatic updates work?) is ultimately fired off by a web request, meaning that the update process runs as the apache user (for me it's www-data). So the www-data user has to have permissions to write to WordPress's php files. This makes me uncomfortable - …
I have a site developed in WordPress 3.5.1. I have updated the WordPress to latest version (4.3.1), but it's not showing the plugin updates. It's showing all plugins are up to date, but i have already checked for the latest version of all plugins and new versions are available. I have tried with changing the theme, but nothing happened. Any solution for this problem?
If I write a private plugin, is there any way to use the WordPress auto-update mechanism to update it? I want to encapsulate the functionality, but it's specific to my own 5 or so blogs, so it's not a good candidate for the public plugins resource. But I love the easy-updating mechanism. Is there a way to do this?
I am using CentOS 7 (CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)), NGINX 1.15.12, WordPress 5.1 Error Update WordPress Downloading update from https://downloads.wordpress.org/release/wordpress-5.2-no-content.zip… Unpacking the update… The update cannot be installed because we will be unable to copy some files. This is usually due to inconsistent file permissions.: wp-admin/includes/update-core.php Installation Failed My screenshoots
I have created a web site, I want to activate minor updates (for security) on it and disable major updates (to avoid problems with themes or plugin or my functions.php which could become incompatible with the major new release). Is it safe to do so? Will update against system vulnerabilities be done on the old major version by WordPress team, even if there is a new major version? Thanks
I've just created my first custom Wordpress plugin. Now I want to push a new version: Recreation Steps: Install v1.1.0 Activate v1.1.0 See that is doing stuff -> YEAH Create new Zip with v1.1.2 and inside set "Version: 1.1.2" Go to Wordpress -> Add New and pick that zip Wordpress will install new plugin and not ask to overwrite... Can someone explain to me what I'm doing wrong? Kind Regards, Ben
I'm relatively new to customising WordPress and I am unsure what happens to custom tables that are manually added to the database when WordPress is updated to a new version. Are custom tables deleted when updating WordPress? Is the data in custom tables overwritten? I have been asked to import data from a database external to WordPress and display that data on the front end. Many thanks in advance.
I created an options page where users can enter their Google Captcha key and secret. Using update_option I am able to add these values to Elementor's settings. I'm trying to do the same with JetForm but it seems to need these values actually added to the settings page. If I overwrite them with update_option the captcha option doesn't even appear on the form source code. Is there a way to have my option's page settings actually appear in the fields …
I just update my elementor plugin and suddenly my site goes down its display this error. code line error shows: 224. $element->add_group_control( Group_Control_Typography::get_type(), [ 'name' => 'eael_tooltip_section_typography', 'selector' => '.tippy-popper[data-tippy-popper-id="{{ID}}"] .tippy-tooltip', 'scheme' => Scheme_Typography::TYPOGRAPHY_3, 'separator' => 'after', 'condition' => [ 'eael_tooltip_section_enable!' => '', ], ] );
I have been searching for a way to better manage dates on a WordPress website. I work at a college whose website is on WordPress. One issue we continuously run into is out of dates for reoccurring events. For instance, there is the start and end of registration, start and end of semester, any given holiday, this list goes on and on. Each of those dates change at some interval. My programmer brain thinks there must be away to set …