I have a cousin from a state where recreational use of marijuana is legal. So I've been told that he and his gnarly friends have brewed up some sort of marijuana hybrid beer somehow. My questions: Is this possible that beer could be brewed up somehow with weed? If this is possible, would you get the effects of both beer and pot both? I see the stoners on this as... Going to drink some weed dude! Getting drunk and high …
I am considering to buy a 200 litre pot from stainless steel for brewing. Those with an integrated thermometer are significantly more expensive than those without and I was wondering if the integrated thermometer is worth the money. What is the advantage of an integrated thermometer compared to a conventional rod thermometer? ... well obviously they are integrated and I suppose more convenient but what else? ... are they more accurate or better in any other way? Thanks!
I did my last batch of extract lately and aiming to make all grain from now on. Since my biggest stainless cauldron has 12 or 13 liters capacity, I realised that my 5 gallon carboy wasn't fit for my situation, so I bought a 3 gallon on Kijiji. You may already see my problem here ;) The preboil volume must be higher than that. I red somewhere that it would be something like 4 gallons for a 3 gallons batch …
This technique http://imgur.com/a/dCvS5, shows how is easy to do permanent markings in stainless steel pot. But what about aluminium ? Does anyone know if it is possible (and safe) to use it in aluminium pots ?
Some relatives recently gave me a 6-gallon aluminum pot that they no longer wanted. The pot was used to make homemade lotion. I've been needing a bigger brew pot, but money has been tight. I'm excited to get one for free! I've washed the pot many time and also boiled water in it with various combinations of cheap dish soap, vinegar, and a pinch of salt. (This was how I was advised to clean it.) I'm not concerned about metallic …
I just ordered a Bayou brew kettle. I meant to order the 10 gallon, but accidentally ordered the 16 gallon (Only a $15 USD difference). I only have a couple all-grain/partial mash brew under my belt, so I am sticking to the 5 gallon batches for now. So should I send this one back and get a 10 gal, or would I be fine with the 16? The false bottom will sit at the 2.5 gallon mark. This might hold …
Family wants me to fry a turkey in my 14 gallon brew kettle. I'm all for fried turkey but worried about lasting effects on my kettle. Anyone have experience with something like this? Also open to suggestions on frying a turkey.
I'm putting together my first all grain system. I'm converting a 44qt SS stockpot to be used as a boil kettle using a weldless bulkhead and SS ball valve. I automatically assumed that I needed to install this as low on the side as would provide a tight seal (i.e. not below the top of the 'roll' at the bottom) but then I started thinking that there might be a reason why I should leave a minimum depth, although I …
So I am looking into upgrading the gear I use to do a boil. Currently I have a 5 gallon stainless steal pot, I use an electric range to heat the water, and my kitchen sink to cool down the wort. It works, but I have had problems with my wort boiling over lately. I have tried putting less water in for the boil, then top up in the fermenter later, but this has lead to some scorching. Not to …
Is it safe to use Oxiclean Free on a metal brew pot? I know that rinsing thoroughly is required after using Oxiclean Free. Is it safe to let the brew pot sit in an Oxiclean Free solution overnight?
From what I've read it seems you Have to boil the full wort amount when going all grain. I just want to make sure that is the case, as I couldn't understand why you couldn't just boil the malt etc and make a strong wort and then just dilute it later, kind of like a beer kit? As after all the beer kit makers do sort of the same thing, the wort is concentrated and then later diluted. I'm mostly …
I have a 10 gallon brew kettle with a ball valve. I have used it a couple times, and now own a counter-flow chiller. I noticed that all of the hot-break at the bottom of my kettle really seems to gunk up the ball valve and the speed of the draining. I mean it it still flows, but it does add some time to the draining. There are 2 things that I want to be able to do: Be able …
Relatively new brewer here. I have a recipe that says to boil three gallons of the water in a five gallon pot (to create the wort). And then later to add in the remaining water. I bought an eight gallon pot. Can I just boil all five gallons of water to create the wort? Or is that bad?
I'm currently brewing in the limbo between extract and all grain. I plan to each batch (about 2 or 3 batches a year for me) buy a significant piece of equipment to get me closer to all-grain. I still need a good propane burner, a full-size brew kettle, and the cooler-setup for my setup, but I'm not sure in which order to buy them, and since I haven't won the lottery, I can't buy it all in one go. What …