Will expired seamoss harm you? Is it harmful to use?? The gel still looks like when i bought it, and shows no Signs of decay. But it’s about a week past the expiration date. Just wondering is it bad to use?
My son and I tried our hand at mead for the first time... I didn't notice a lot of bubbling I thought that it wasn't fermenting correctly but my son thought differently, he's 17. Lol But when we went to bottle it after the normal 2-week. We tasted it and it tasted sour kind of musty It wasn't a good flavor. Does anybody possibly know what we could have done wrong? Thank you. On a side note he decided to …
I've just about finished my first attempt at mead. I'm now thinking about my second batch. The yeast I have used is pretty aggressive, Bulldog mead yeast, so was wondering if anyone has some better suggestions. Looking to make an orange and ginger mead and possibly a peach mead. All advice gratefully received. Fitz
I recently started gathering equipment for home water carbonation and collected my CO2 tank today to find the regulator I purchased does not fit it. I am based in Ireland, here is the regulator I purchased: https://www.schankanlagen-koch.de/AfG-Hauptdruckminderer-CO2-Druckminderer-Hauptdruckregler-HIWI-Euskirchen-3-bar-1499.html And here is the gas tank: As you can see the fittings are completely different, the tank has a female connection while the regulator expects a male. The regulator is for CO2 and the tank is pure CO2 not a mixture or other …
Hi i am doing my first home brew. after less than 24 hours the beer was coming through the water in the air lock. i looked online and it said to change the airlock and put it back on i did this several times. I did this for the last time some nearly 24 hour ago and now there are no bubbles in the airlock. I am waiting for my sg tool to come so i can check the sg …
I have been brewing some home made cider and decided last weekend to crack it open! (has been in bottles for about 6 months) when a friend opened the bottle it basically exploded and send the swing top flying covering the ceiling in cider and leaving about 100 ml of the 750 ml bottle remaining! My question: is there anything i can do with the remaining bottles to stop them from doing the same thing? or am i doomed to …
Question can you carbonate a stout with c02 and then pour it on beer gas(nitrogen) and have the same cascading effect? Or do I have to carbonate with the beer has only
This is rather my first time doing a mead. It has been a month since i put it up for fermentation. Its been locked in a relatively stable temperature and totally dark enviroment. Today, after a full month, I opened it up to check on it and the fermenting has stopped. I have dead yeast at the bottom of the containter, and the mead is clear. But, the part that is troubling me is that along the neck i have …
So, I need advice how to salvage my beer. I intended to make 5 gallon batch of IPA. I had ingredients for two batches of beer on hand and I accidentally added 3 extra pounds of dry malt extract to my wort. I added the following malts: 1 lb Extra Dry Dark Malt Extract 4 lbs Plain Amber dry Malt Extract 3 lbs Light dry Malt Extract (Added by mistake) White Labs American ale yeast blend My recipe said to …
I am new to the home brewing game and am looking to get a little info before I start buying equipment. How large of a brew kettle do I need if I am brewing 10 gallon batches?
This is my first homebrew, so I'm totally in the dark as to what to expect. However, I was told by my LHS that I should see a lot of fermentation activity after around 4-12 hours. The brew itself is an Irish stout using Wyeast Irish Ale strain, I made sure to let the bag swell before pitching so I'm fairly sure that the yeast was viable. The temp is around 68-70 F. Currently (hour 14) there is a very …
So I am attempting to make my own hard cider. At my school, there is a farmers market every Thursday and at this market they sell flash pasteurized cider; the process is stopped partway through so it is clean to drink but can still ferment. Anyways I have tried (with success at about a gallon per batch) to create hard cider simply by pouring the cider into bottles, stopping the bottles with cotton balls, and leaving them in a dark …
I'm brewing my 1st kit which my gf got from a local hardware store (ironically there's a home brew store not 5 mins away sigh) but wasn't a cheap one. http://www.wilko.com/cider+beer-brewing/wilko-golden-ale-kit-40pt/invt/0318381 Just need a bit of advise as there is a mountain of information out there and it's making my head spin. WHAT IVE DONE It's golden ale, 23 liters (5 gallons) came with two large tins with syrupy like mix in. Iv'e added the yeast and left it at …
I am interested in distilling whiskey and vodka. Im not sure of what the legal ramifications are but I want to one) do it legally and two) do it economically. Is this possible and what are the average start up cost for license .
I have a fridge freezer combo that I am going to convert to a serving fridge. I have done this with an old fridge before but decided to upgrade when I moved because it was really old and crapping out. Question: What will happen if I cut out the majority of the barrier between the fridge and freezer? I'm concerned about everything freezing, or over/under using the refrigeration unit. Why: 2 reasons, first I really want my taps at a …