Adding cold water to malt extract brew

I've recently tried extract brewing after all grain brewing. Strange I know, but I wanted to eliminate the mash part of the process to see if it help get rid of a off flavour (it did but that will be another question). I did a small batch so I boiled the whole batch, but I see in most recipes they tell you to do a small amount then add cold water before fermenting. This baffles me. Everything I read about …
Category: Mac

Mash Water to Grain Ratio (Partial Mash)

I’ve made a few recipes with different ratios of Water to Grain for mashing in partial mash recipes. Some seem to have too little water such that the grain bag is hardly submerged. Others are higher. What is the optimal ratio for partial mash recipes specifically and do the different ratios accomplishing anything?
Category: Mac

When to add sugar to big belgian ale?

I'm brewing a cross between Belgian Dark Strong and Barleywine. Currently it is it's third day. Starting gravity was ~26 Brix (~1.11 Specific Gravity). I want to push it up with candi sugar, muscovado, dry demerara sugar and caramel. I'll need almost 2kg of these for the effect I want (30 Brix). Now, I want my yeast to ferment most malt sugars before I'll add simpler ones. There are sources suggesting that yeast may lose ability to ferment maltose if …
Category: Mac

Big beer extract impact?

My system can comfortably mash up to 10kg of malt. But it can easily fly sparge only 5kg. 8kg is doable, but stretching it. In my recipe I have: 5kg Pale Ale 1kg Munich I 1kg Munich II 1kg Melanoiden 2kg DME candi sugar, caramel etc added later Belgian yeast Previous incarnation of this ale was using no DME and 8kg Pale Ale (rest unchanged) and it was delicious. I decided to substitute 3kg of malt with 2kg of DME …
Category: Mac

Attempting a partial mash - what grain bill?

I was gonna use 1.5kg of LME and then make another 1.5kg with some MO grain. I've only got a 5L pot but I could get another to make 10L total. It sounds stupid but to get another 1.5kg would I just add 1.5kg of MO to the pot or do I need more?
Category: Mac

Effect of Long, High, Decling-Temperature Mash on Wort

Due to time constraints, I need to do a two- to 2-1/2 hour unattended mash, and then return to lauter, etc. I plan to do a single batch sparge. I am looking for a slightly-less fermentable wort for more body, so I theorize that my ideal mash profile is a single-temperature rest at around 156-158°F (69-70°C). However, my non-heated mash tun is going to lose around 15°F (8.3°C) over 2-2.5 hrs., I estimate**. So I need to mash in higher. …
Category: Mac

Adding Burton Water Salts to Partial Mash

I'm going to attempt an partial mash ESB. I will use distilled water and add burton salts. I know I need to add the salts to my mash water, but I've read if you are doing extract you just add it to the boil. For a partial mash, should I divide up the additions to mash water and boil? FYI, I have about 10 lbs of grains and 5 lbs of extract. Thanks!
Category: Mac

Poor efficiency during first all grain brew, need an fail safe for next brew

For my first all grain brew I bought an octoberfest all grain kit from morebeer. Before brewing with it, however, I decided to try a very cheap smash recipe. I ended up with a very low efficiency (about 65 percent), and threw in some DME I had on hand to try and raise my gravity by a few points. I'd like to brew again in the coming weekend, and while I've made notes on how I can increase my efficiency, …
Category: Mac

How to steep 2-row in a partial grain recipe

New to brewing, only done a few all-extract batches. For my next batch I came across an APA recipe that called for a 2:1 ratio of DME to 2-row malt. What wasn't clear to me was if I should just plan to steep the 2-row along with the other adjunct grains (60L in this case) or if I should plan a more drawn-out 150 degree steep and 170 degree sparge for the 2-row? I suppose either will work but the …
Category: Mac

Partial Mash Extract twang

The off flavor i am tasting is sweet, and actually tastes malty/caramel. It's supposed to be an IPA but this sweet flavor is disconnected form the hops. Will leaving it in the bottle longer help this out? I did use 9lbs of LME for this recipe and about 3 oz of hops and a few oz of grain. The sweetness really does bother me.
Category: Mac

Liquid Malt Extract Variation

While picking up supplies for my 2nd brew yesterday, I noticed that I'm using the same LME for this brew (pale ale) as I did for my last (brown ale). In fact, I only saw the one barrel, so I think this could be the only LME my shop carries. To me this seems odd. The only differences in ingredients for these 2 brews are the 2ish pounds of grains, and the hops. It seems like 6lbs of extract is …
Category: Mac

Flaked Maize Mini/Partial Mash

Still back on extract brews due to time/equipment constraints, but I am making a cream ale this week. Have one lb of flaked maize for a 5 gallon batch (along with 6 lbs of DME), and I understand that maize doesn't contain the enzymes to convert starches in mashing. I picked up 2lbs of crushed 6-row to do a mini-mash with my flaked maize. Most 'speciality grain steeping' procedures call for a half hour steep/mini mash @ 150-160. Given the …
Category: Mac

Sparge volume for batch sparging a partial mash

First off: I realize there are a few somewhat related questions but I think my question will be specific enough to justify it's own question. Specifically this question, but I'm not looking for an alternative solution(s) such as the accepted answer. I am going to try my first partial mash this weekend, and since I have the equipment on hand, I want to use my converted cooler mashtun. Partially to get used to the equipment before going full mash. I …
Category: Mac

Partial-mash vs. Mini mash. Is there a difference?

I've heard of people doing mini mash and partial mash. I always thought they were interchangeable terms for the same activity. But the other day I stumbled across someone who said "this works well for both partial mash and mini mash batches". Is there a difference between the two, or are they synonymous?
Category: Mac

Special B -OR- CaraPils?

working on improving recipe formulation and wondering which is better? Looking for good mouth feel and head retention,(who isn't I guess) but most of all a big malt forward beer. In doing unrelated research I found that the region I live in (Northwest) produces way more malty beers then other regions, for example our amber ale would be would not fit in the BJCP style guidelines on the east coast. Just curios if anyone has experimented with either of these …
Category: Mac

How do I do a partial mash?

I understand (from experience) how to brew with extract and steeping specialty grains. I understand (from reading numerous books, blogs, etc.) how to do an all-grain mash. I see little on how to partial mash. Do I add the specialty grains to the partial-mash or after? Do I sparge the partial-mash? Do I wait the hour that an all-grain mash requires? Typically my beers take 6(or so) pounds of malt syrup, what percentage of malt should be partial-mashed and how …
Category: Mac

Does mash thickness make a difference in any calculations?

I am looking to do my first partial mash and I have been seeing instructions for using a mash thickness anywhere from 1 to 1.5 quarts of water per pound (per 450g). What does the thickness of a mash change? Are there any calcuations that need to be adjusted based on this thickness? Also, does changing the ratio of the sparge water to pounds of grain change anything? I typically do a 5 gallon (19 litre) batch and a 3 …
Category: Mac


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