Is 4lbs of speciality grains too much for steeping for a 5gal extract recipe?

I made a recipe for a Scotch Ale and was hoping for some feedback on the grain bill. The base malt is at 80.8% of the bill, so my specialty grains are under 20% but accumulate to 4lbs total. Is this too much to reasonably steep? Maris Otter Extract: 9.75lbs : 80.8% Crystal Light : 1lbs: 5.4% Crystal 60L : 1lbs: 5.4% Victory : 1lbs : 5.5% Roasted Barley : 1lbs: 2.9% Lots of online suppliers only offer 1lb min …
Category: Mac

Why do very dark roasted malts have such a high steeping yield?

According to Palmer's popular list of typical mashing and steeping yields, pale crystal malt (25-40L) has a typical steeping yield of 22 PPG. Slightly darker crystal malt (medium, 60-75L) weighs in at 18 PPG when steeped, and dark crystal (120L) at 16 PPG. Fine, that makes sense: darker crystal malts have lower steeping yields, consistent with how they behave when mashed. But then we get to roasted barley and black patent malt, which both have a much lower yield when …
Category: Mac

Own malted barley use

I malted my own barley for experiment. But I've not used them yet. I mean bought castle malt and munton's Irish Stout LME but haven't used them too yet. First, I want to brew my own malted barley, if i make a mistake i will risk them. Because, there are not any homebrew suppliers in Uzbekistan to buy things easily. So, the barley I malted (5kg) looks like caramel amber malt from appearance. But a little lighter than it. I'd …
Category: Mac

First time steeping!

I was advised by my LHBS that if I steep 500g of Carapils in 2L of water (for a 23-25L batch) at around 68°C, then use this as part of my boil, then I will have more body and head retention in my beer. Is this method correct? Do I use this 2L of water as part of the 11L to be boiled or do I add it to 9L of boiled water to reach the 11L boil size and …
Category: Mac

Question about steeping time for making your own Malt?

I want to make my own malt, but I'm a little unsure of how long I should be steeping the barley grain as different websites suggest different things. BeerSmith says to steep for 2 hours, whereas BYO suggests steeping for 8 hours. What is better to get the most out of the grain? Many thanks
Category: Mac

All-Grain to Extract and Steeping

I'm wondering how this can be converted to an extract recipe. Initially it was thought we could just do 14lbs (US 2 row) * .75 = 10.5lbs of extract, but then the question was asked if the rest of the specialty grains would just be steeped like normal? Steeping like 7.75 lbs of grain seems like an awful lot. Should they all be steeped, and if so, any recommendations on how to steep that many lbs? The Recipe This 5 …
Category: Mac

How to clean a cotton grain bag for reuse

I recently got into brewing (well, extract brewing) and all the kits I use come with a grain bag. I've since learned that it is perfectly fine to reuse these bags, so long as you clean + dry them properly. The problem is, every time I use them, they have hundreds/thousands of tiny seeds/husks/"stuffs" caked onto them. Even after meticulously washing and cleaning them, I still end up with a clean + dry grain bag that has hundreds of seeds/husks/stuffs …
Category: Mac

Can I clean and reuse a grain bag?

Brand. Spanking. New. To brewing. Just bought an Amber Ale extract kit (don't judge!) and equipment set from Brewer's Best. I read the "Brew Day" instructions and they included a grain bag that they want me to use for steeping the grain in. What I'm wondering is: can I clean and reuse this bag, or is it contaminated or otherwise made unusable once I use it the first time? And if it can be cleaned, what's a sanitary/safe way to …
Category: Mac

Steep caramel malt in all grain brew?

Are there any situations when this would be needed, or make any sense? Steeping base malts usually makes no sense at all, and changes to taste made by steeping black malt or roasted barley instead of mashing it are obvious. But what about crystal / cara? Always just dump it to my mash tun?
Category: Mac

Does it make sense to steep wheat in cold water as it is heating up?

I'm actually not talking about cold steeping. The recipe I'm using says Put 2.5 gallons of cold, filtered water into pot. Added malted wheat (in muslin bag) to pot and brought the water to 180 degrees. Steeped the wheat for 30 minutes. Removed bag of wheat and brought the water to boil. It sounds like it's saying the wheat should be added to the pot while the water's still cold, but that doesn't make sense to me. It must mean …
Category: Mac

Steeping/Mashing Cara- Grains

I have a smaller (5 gallon) mash tun. I recently mashed 14 lbs and was only able to get a mash to water ratio of 1.2 and filled the tun!. Temp was right on, but I only got 55% efficiency. I have a recipe with 9 lbs of base malt and 6 lbs specialty (Cara-helles and Caravienne). Can I mash the base malts and only steep the specialty malts to reduce the amount of grain in my mash tun and …
Category: Mac

Draining Steeping Grains

What is the correct way to finish using steeping grains. The recipe I was following called for rinsing the grains with a few quarts of water. I had them all in two cloth sacks and poured the water over them above the simmering wort. Should I be squeezing out the sacks? Or just let them drip until they stop dripping? My beer didn't turn out as dark as expected, so I've been thinking I probably should have squeezed them out …
Category: Mac

How much specialty grain should you use in each steeping bag?

I'm doing my very first steeping brew (2nd brew ever), and I've got about 3 lbs of specialty grains total that go into my recipe. I've lightly crushed the grains, and I'm ready to put them in the steeping bag(s), but I'm not sure how much should go in each bag. should I just put all of it in one bag, use a different bag for each grain, or just split it in half so there's more contact to the …
Category: Mac

Will steeping specialty grains keep late extract addition from affecting hop utilization? To what degree?

I know my question is sort of answered in this post, where @Dean-Brundage answers that adding extract late will incease hop utilizaiton, and in this post, where @mdma answers that John Palmer and Jamil Z. believe that hop utilization is a function of dissolved solids in the wort. So my question is: if I add all of my extract late (last 15 minutes), will steeping specialty grains provide enough dissolved solids to eliminate or substantially reduce any affect that late …
Category: Mac

Can I steep aroma malt

I have some Brewferm Aroma malt 150 EBC. I think normally I couldn't because it is full of unconverted starch, but I would like to do some extract beer and use a little (5-10%) of it. Will it be bad if I steep it, or could I get good results? EDIT: this is the link . Both Weyermann and Brewferm are cited. I guess the problem is the malt name is wrong on the online reseller, since the package I …
Category: Mac

How to steep 2-row in a partial grain recipe

New to brewing, only done a few all-extract batches. For my next batch I came across an APA recipe that called for a 2:1 ratio of DME to 2-row malt. What wasn't clear to me was if I should just plan to steep the 2-row along with the other adjunct grains (60L in this case) or if I should plan a more drawn-out 150 degree steep and 170 degree sparge for the 2-row? I suppose either will work but the …
Category: Mac

Steeping flaked barley

A question regarding steeping flaked barley in stouts. Zainasheff & Palmer's "Brewing Classic Styles" lists an extract-based recipe for stout. with flaked barley and roasted unmalted barley for steeping. However, I thought that flaked barley must be mashed: it is unmalted, and steeping will only release proteins and a lot of starch. Virtually all my google searches end up with the same result: steeping flaked barley without some base malt is a bad idea. Supporting this view indirectly is Palmer's …
Category: Mac


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